Chapter Three

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"Holy shit! These seats are amazing." Casey was in complete awe of their front-row accommodations. Madison had been to several of Cale's concerts in the past, but it felt like this one was the first for some reason.

The band on stage was wrapping up, which meant Ransom would be on shortly. Madison knew from experience that Cale would be directly in front of them. He always made sure she had seats on his side.

The crowd roared as the lights lowered. Dawg, the drummer, tapped out a beat that rose in volume. Slowly, the other instruments joined in as the lights started flashing. Madison's heart pounded with the beat of the music as she took in the sight of Cale.

He was still tall and lean. His worn, dark jeans hung low on his hips with the sleeveless shirt allowing his tattoos to show. His dirty blond hair was longer on the top than the sides. Madison bit her lower lip when she remembered the feel of the strands running between her fingers when they kissed.

The scream of a crazed fan pulled her back from the memory. Refocusing, she found Cale looking at her and couldn't help but smile when he winked.

# # #

The concert had ended before Madison was able to work out what she would say to Cale when she saw him again.

"I am so freaking nervous. Do I look okay?"

"You look fine, Case. Stop fidgeting."

Madison wished she could take her own advice. It had taken forever to make their way through the crowd and even longer to get through all the security to get backstage. One of the guards had pointed them in Cale's direction.

"I definitely did not dress slutty enough. Look at these girls."

Madison was. And it made her stomach turn.

Casey stopped in front of a door. "I think this is it, right?" She opened the door before Madison could correct her, then she quickly shut it back with a gasp.

"What?" Madison asked.

"I'm pretty sure that was the other guitarist's room."


With eyes wide and barely more than a whisper, Casey said, "He was getting a bj while another girl had her boobs in his face."

Madison laughed at the fact that her friend was worried about not being seen as a prime candidate a few minutes earlier, and now seemed to be scandalized by the reality of what actually went on backstage.

"Come on, I think Cale's room is the next one down." Madison knocked and waited for the familiar voice to acknowledge them. The thought of catching him in a similar act made her feel sick.

She slowly opened the door to find him in the process of changing his shirt. Her breath caught at the sight of his ripped abs. She watched as the soft material of his old Pink Floyd T-shirt fell into place. She blushed when she realized he had caught her checking him out.

Cale saved her from further embarrassment by embracing her in a tight hug. "Hey, you. I'm so glad you could come."

"Me too." Madison took a step back then turned to introduce her other friend. "Cale, this is Casey. Casey, Cale."

He held his hand out for a handshake. Casey looked as if she was about to pass out. When she finally responded, Casey pumped his hand a lot harder than necessary several times.

"You guys were incredible. Really. Thank you so much for inviting me. I mean, Maddie. Who then invited me..."

He chuckled. "No problem and you're welcome. I'm glad you enjoyed it." Cale didn't seem fazed that Casey had slipped into total fan-girl mode. "Would either of you like something to drink? All I have is beer and water, but you're welcome to it."

The door burst open before either could answer. Ransom stuck his head in. "Hey, man, some of us are going to hit a few clubs. Want to come?"

It was then he seemed to notice the two females present. Ransom stepped in, taking each by the hand and kissing the backs. Madison was sure Casey had now officially swooned.

"We would love to have you two come along as well. The more the merrier."

Cale answered for them all. "Y'all go ahead."

It was obvious to Madison that Casey was chomping at the bit to hang out with the band's front man and namesake. She hated for her to miss out on the experience.

Reluctantly Madison said, "You know what, how about we go for just a little bit?"

Casey all but squealed. "Really?"

Madison didn't miss the look of disappointment on Cale's face as she nodded her agreement.

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