Chapter Six

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"What the hell happened last night? Where are we?"

"Shh... Jeez, my head is pounding."

"Where are we, Maddie?" Casey's voice was hoarse and more urgent now.

Madison sat straight up in the bed. As the scenes of last night played back through her mind, she suddenly had motivation to get the hell out of that room.

"We need to go. Now." Madison untangled herself from the sheets to find she still had on all of her clothes. "We were both pretty wasted last night, so Cale let us crash in the extra room."

Casey groaned as she dropped back amongst the plush pillows. "Why are we in such a hurry then?"

"I'll explain later. We just really need to go."

Casey huffed out a breath of exasperation, but asked no more questions. Madison knew Casey would understand after she filled her in on the way home.

Madison was relieved to find a note versus Cale himself when they entered the living area of the room.


I had a really good time last night. We need to talk about what happened. Let's get together soon.


"Looks like Cale had to head out early," Madison said as she folded the note and stuck it in her back pocket. "I'm just gonna leave him a quick note and we can get going."

Madison found a hotel pad and pen on the desk. Her hand shook as she wrote.


She didn't know what to write. You're right? Call me? There's nothing to talk about? I don't want to talk about it?

She was still bent over the meant-to-be note when Casey groaned again. "Come on, Maddie, my head is about to explode and I need breakfast."

Madison left the note blank.

# # #

Madison sipped her coffee while Casey shoveled eggs in her mouth. Madison's stomach did a flip just thinking about taking a bite of food.

"I don't know how you are eating all of that right now."

Casey shrugged while scooping up another bite of grits. "A full stomach makes me feel better." Madison sat quietly, watching her friend across the table. She looked starved as she pushed another bite in her mouth before she had even swallowed the last.

Casey leaned back in the booth when she had finally cleaned her plate. She sipped her orange juice before asking, "So... you said something about filling me in. I'm guessing it had to do with why you were in such a hurry to get out of Cale's room this morning."

Madison spun her empty coffee mug. She waved the waitress off when she lifted the full pot to question if she wanted another cup.

"I sort of hooked up with Cale last night."

Casey sat straight up; the look on her face was one of sheer excitement. "What? Where was I?" She shook her head before adding, "Never mind that part. Tell me what happened."

Madison opened her mouth to attempt a response when Casey interrupted her again. "Did y'all have sex?"

Madison tried again.

"Oh my gawd, y'all totally had sex. I mean, it is clearly about time. The perfect friends-to-lovers story."

Madison called her friend's name when she wouldn't hush. "We. Did. Not. Have. Sex. We kissed. But it got pretty hot and heavy." She dropped her head into her hands, causing her next comment to be mumbled and indiscernible.

"What? You slapped him for touching you?" Casey didn't look shocked, but she did sound appalled. "Why? What were you thinking?"

"I didn't slap him for touching me; I said, I asked him to f-word me."

With that, Casey did look shocked. Madison supposed it was hard for her more free-spirited friend to believe her admission when she was typically the straight-laced one. Madison chuckled when she realized she had stunned her into silence.

"I feel terrible."

"Why?" Then, as if reality seemed to dawn on her, Casey made an O shape with her mouth. "Justin."

"It was like he didn't even exist. What am I going to do?"

"What do you want to do, Maddie?"

She chewed her thumbnail before shaking her head again. "I don't know. I do know that Cale wants to talk about it. And if I tell Justin, it will be over. He already can't stand the connection I have with Cale."

Casey seemed to choose her next words carefully. "Have your feelings for Cale changed?"

"No... Yes... I don't know—I am so confused."

"Well, how does Cale feel about all of this? It's new, right? You've never said anything about y'all having a romantic relationship in the past."

Madison sighed. "I don't really know how he feels. He was into it too, but you know, it could have just been because I was there."

"I don't believe that for a second. There were tons of girls in the club last night, and that was before my double vision. Cale never took his eyes off of you."

"We kissed a couple of years ago at a Christmas party." Before Casey could cut in, Madison answered the question she knew would be asked next. "I never said anything because he left the next day and it didn't seem important."

"Didn't seem important? Maddie, you kissed your best childhood friend who just happens to be a famous rock star. How in the world can you say it didn't seem important? Maybe not news you would share with the checkout girl at the grocery store, but your best adult friend? Really?"

"I was confused then too. I never thought kissing Cale would make me feel the way it did. And seeing him again sort of stirred those unanswered emotions up."

Sure, Madison had crushed on him during their high school years, but she'd always found a way to berate herself for the idiocy of it all. He was her friend. Friends didn't hook up.

"You are gonna have to figure all of this out, and soon."

"I know, I know. But I don't want to hurt Justin or Cale."

"To hell with them, Maddie. You have got to do what is best for you. You and Cale go way back. As much as I hate to admit this, he knows you better than anyone. You've spent the last half year with Justin, but does he really know anything about you?"

"Thanks, Case, you sound real impartial."

Casey grabbed the check before Madison could and stood. "Come on, let's head home. We'll talk more on the way."

She got no argument from Madison; she was more than ready for a shower and the comfort of her own bed.

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