4: And So Yuka Was Born

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"Oh my god, isn't he like-really hot?" 

"You're right. Wow, how can someone be so pretty?" 

"You sure that's a boy?!" 

Mori gave Taiya a very unimpressed look. "Can you turn that off or something? Like just stop attracting attention? What are you, some sort of homing device for fangirls?" He asked with a groan.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Taiya replied, his tone overly innocent. He turned to wave at the group of girls that were watching him. They let out some hushed whispered and shyly waved back. 

"Hello? Taiya? I'm right here?" Mori said, trying to get the boy's attention away from the girls. 

"Did he say Taiya?" "No way, it couldn't be-" "What if its really him?!" 

Right. Taiya was famous. Whoops. 

Quickly Mori thought of something. "Taiyo, please just pay attention!" He said, a little too loudly. Taiya gave him an amused look. 

"Of course!" He chirped happily. 

"I guess we just heard it wrong." One of the girls said, waving to the actor once again before leaving. 

"With any luck they didn't take any pictures." Mori sighed, "You celebrities can't do shit, can you?". 

"I hope they did take pictures, I look hot right now." The teen said, ignoring most of what Mori said. "And Taiyo? Like Taiyo the little bus?" He laughed. 

"I did what I had to do." The manager replied. "Now focus.". 

They were two days out from the U.A entrance exam, and things were looking up. Taiya had certainly improved, his fighting stance was solid and he knew where to put his limbs, so that was something. Mori had even gone a few rounds with the kid with them both using a tiny bit of their quirks. 

It was still illegal in public, so they had to be subtle. But they couldn't rent out a gym either, because people couldn't really know Taiya wasn't in Tokyo. 

The teen landed a hit to Mori's shoulder and he responded by nailing him in the ribs. "You're getting better." He said honestly. 

"Yeah, yeah. Better isn't good enough. Not for U.A." Taiya replied. "I'm probably not going to get in.". 

"We'll see about that." Mori said, swinging at him again. Taiya dodged easily and kicked to knock the man off his balance. "Who knows, this year could be full of losers.". 

"Somehow I doubt that." Taiya sighed. 

------------ ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------- ----------- ------------- 

The night before the entrance exam, Taiya stared at him phone, contemplating. His mother's contact was staring back at him. 

He had barely texted her, saying he was busy with work every time. But he wanted to talk to her, maybe get some reassurance. 

Gathering up the courage, he clicked 'call' and waited. 

"Taiya! Baby, I've missed you so much." His mother said loudly, her smile audible. 

"Missed you too mom." The teen replied, a small smile creeping onto his face. 

"Are they working you too hard? I'm worried. What are they feeding you? What does your apartment look like?" She rambled.

"Everything's fine. The training is hard, but I need it. The food's fine, apartment's pretty normal.". 

"Does it have enough security? There have been incidents before, I think you need more security than a 'normal' apartment can offer." 

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