9: Testing The Limits

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Whoever came in last was expelled. Wow. Yay. Totally fun. 

Taiya was definitely not freaking out. No way. No how. 

Changing had been nerve wracking enough. Despite what most people thought he wasn't comfortable getting nearly naked in front of just anybody. And he hated the unconscious comparisons he made between his body and others. It was just better to avoid group change rooms altogether. 

He had no choice now. This was just how U.A was always gonna be. 

God this was so far out of his comfort zone it was practically an alligator pit. 

Bakugou had just thrown the ball so far it seemed impossible and now everyone was being handed it to see if they had a shot. Uraraka got infinity, so Taiya's hopes for himself weren't super high. 

"Tachibana." Mr. Aizawa called out. The teen stepped up and took the ball. He tried to figure out how much strength to put into this, testing the weight of the ball in his hand. 

"Don't hold back." His teacher instructed. Taiya grimly wondered if his quirk was mind reading. That wouldn't end well. 

He extended his claws, as far as he was willing to take this, and threw the ball. The class all made astonished noise as it traveled slightly further than Bakugou's. The blond was seething when Taiya turned around. 

"Better luck next time." He smirked, ignoring the slight tremble in his wrist from nerves. If Mr. Aizawa noticed it, he didn't say a thing. 

They got through half of the class before they started the other activities. Running was easy. He'd be faster fully transformed, but it wasn't like he was slow on two legs. 

His powers, much like Asui's frog abilities, weren't directly abilities of their animals. No frog had a tongue that long or strong. Their abilities were proportional to their human bodies, so Taiya was much faster than most snow leopards, simply by the merit of having longer legs. 

He was lined up on the start line between Sato and Kirishima, with Ashido on the other side of him and Aoyama on the other side of her. From what he understood, they were all strong, but not all that fast. 

Mr. Aizawa raised on hand with the other on the timer, ready to record. He dropped his arm abruptly and they started running. 

Taiya smirked to himself as he easily passed his classmates, even taking his time to look around to meet Bakugou's eyes. He wanted to make sure he was watching him beat his time. 

Because even with all their quirks, the average human running speed was 24 km per hour, and the average snow leopard speed was 88. There was no competition. 

He passed the finish line easily, well ahead of the others. 

Taiya slowed to a stop and checked his time, astonished. That was fast, even for him. 

A slightly lightheaded feeling tugged at the back of his head, but he shook it off and got some water, assuming it was just the warning signs of dehydration. 

He followed his classmates over to the other activities, running into Midoriya again as he did.

"Don't be nervous." Taiya said with a grin, "I'm sure you'll do fine.". 

Midoriya looked slightly sick. "I don't know how to use my quirk for any of this. It's not applicable to everything like yours is. Well, assuming your quirk is some kind of super strength. What is your quirk?". 

The mood had completely shifted with Midoriya's ramblings. The teen was now too interested in Taiya's quirk to worry much about failing. 

"Its Black Panther." The actor explained with a smile. 

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