6: Sometimes I Forget

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Taiya slept the entire drive to the airport, could barely keep his eyes open through security and barely managed to make it onto the jet. 

The exam had taken a lot out of him. Physical exhaustion was unavoidable, even for someone who was used to working 14 hour days. 

Once they took off he fell asleep right away. Not even Mori could wake him up. And trust him, he tried. Multiple times on multiple occasions. 

The moment they arrived at the hotel room, Taiya changed into some pajamas and flopped on the bed, falling asleep before his head even hit the pillow. 

Mori sighed and maneuvered the kid so he was at least under the blankets partway. He seriously had no idea why the kid was tired all the time. He didn't stay up super late playing games or anything, and he hadn't partied in two weeks now. He was an asshole in the morning too. 

The man made his way to the room next to Taiya's where he was staying. He supposed that was a perk of the job, being able to stay in 5 star hotels all the time. 

On the other hand, he was only really there to babysit, so it wasn't that much of a perk. 

That night he didn't bother with working out of using the hotel pool, like he usually would. He wanted to get a solid night's sleep before the chaos that would be Taiya's first party in a while. 

He had a headache just thinking about it. 

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Taiya took in his appearance in the bathroom mirror making absolute sure that he looked perfect. 

He had elected to do his own makeup for the day, Mori had remembered to bring that, if almost nothing else. 

Mori had let someone into his apartment earlier that afternoon to dye his hair back to its natural colour. He had never dyed his hair outside of a role before, if he went out with it black he would be hounded with questions about what he was doing, why he dyed it, all that stuff. Then the movie might be uncovered and he couldn't do that to Azuma. 

The outfit had been picked out by Han-gyeol's stylist, which surprised him. He was excited when he was told it was because he wanted them to match. 

Despite forgetting the guy's birthday, they had been texting often since Taiya moved to Musutafu. 

Considering the outfit in question was a satin ruched pink suit, he was excited to see what Han-gyeol was wearing. 

He had decided to forgo a tie and just leave the top button undone and add some small gold necklaces and a pair of small earrings. He didn't want to do too much, especially considering that he was wearing a little bit of pink eyeshadow to match. It could easily become 'too much for a guy' as the media and public would say. 

Then again, he was pretty used to being called too feminine at this point. 'Cause people like when you dress well, but not too well or you look gay. Not that it wasn't public knowledge he didn't exactly have a label. He had some very public relationships with men and women, or more accurately 'relations'. Half the time they were never really dating. 

"Hey its time to go!" Mori called out, knocking on the bathroom door. "You're taking forever.". 

Taiya rolled his eyes. He made his way to the door and swung it open. "You can't rush perfection." He said, like it was obvious. Mori rolled his eyes. 

"You have no place to diss me. A black suit? Again?" He asked. 

Mori raised an eyebrow. "You expect me to dress like you every time I go out? Thanks but no thanks.". 

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