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We all have this one gene inside of us that makes us stand out. It's called the x-gene. Now you might not think the x-gene could cause that much trouble but I assure you it does. Having one singular gene activated within your DNA can either make your life very difficult or very easy. You see when you don't have this gene you're considered..human...natural but when you have the x-gene you are only ever known as one thing.

A mutant.

Even though being a mutant already puts you below any other human on Earth (no matter how innocent said mutant could be) there are certain ways to get around it. Such as not having any stand-out features that could show your different than a human. People with different colored eyes, hair, different shaped ears, you name it, you're immediately labeled as a freak. A nuisance to society. But normal-looking mutants well, if they're good at living the lie then they can get along pretty well. Like my family....well, adoptive family. We should start with my mother. The brain to the whole system that protects what we are.

My mother is kind, gentle, and caring but when she wants to be she can be firm and even scary which makes her very good at her job. She is a mutant lawyer and one of very few might I add. Not a lot of people these days are lining up to protect and defend mutants but here my mother is a prime example of courage. But, she's always been that way. She's the one who took me in even when she had her own mutant family to handle. And you want to know the craziest thing? After already having some of the best qualities a person could have she was even blessed with elemental powers. My whole family really, is blessed with amazing powers such dad.

It's ironic really. My mom spends most of her waking hours protecting us from the world finding out what we really are and the people my dad works for already know. He willingly gave up the information because he works for this organization that combats human and mutant threats all around the world. His power is the usual super strength, flight, bulletproof, but with the rare conjuring weapons. Which he can do quite often and as you can guess that makes him quite perfect for his job. Now, finally, it's time for my sister. My adoptive parents' biological child.

My sister is kind of perfect. She has this "charm" we like to call it. This "charm" makes whoever she chooses susceptible to whatever she says although she never uses it. She uses her shape-shifting or invisibility more which I have gotten quite good at recognizing. Although may I also add her "charm" doesn't work on me and never has. This brings our introduction to a close with the final family member.


Now my powers are not your typical mutant powers. I've never met a single mutant who can do what I do. I have this sort of air manipulation where I can make the air around me into a force field or blade that can slice through almost everything. I have this super odd telekinesis. I have this form of telekinesis that can push things away and sideways, tear them apart, make them vibrate, and who knows what else. But it's not the kind where you can make something float and put it in a different place. It's almost the opposite of my air manipulation where one can protect and the other only destroys. I've also learned how to block my mind from mental attacks and have focused my telekinesis into some form of empathic telepathy. And finally, the last power I have which may I add rarely shows itself is this very bright gold aura that destroys everything. Usually, powers are from some sort of trigger. Well, I guess I got really upset on patrol one day and I made a whole building fall in on itself. Ever since then the power hasn't come back. But you know the weird thing, it feels like I'm not exactly missing something to my powers but as if there's something out there that could amplify it. I'm not sure it's a bit confusing but every once in a while I used to get these dreams. First, a girl with blonde hair who used my air manipulation. Then several years later a boy with brown hair. That one was a few months ago. But recently I've been getting them constantly with a few new characters. A Hispanic woman, triplets, and a woman with green hair.

I'm not sure what this means but I know for certain it's not anything good.

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