Chapter 6: Dawn

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I let go of Graceila's hand and took a deep breath. So much was going on in such a short amount of time. I need answers as too what my real linege is but the only people with those connections are the same people hurting the mutants. But if I could get rid of Reeva after getting the information I needed while simultaneously gaining her trust needed for that downfall well then all my problems would be solved. I have to join the inner circle. I made sure Graceila was still breathing and I walked back into the car.

"Everything good?" Andy asked looking at me curiously.

"Never better," I stated and plastered on a smile. I'm not sure if I can trust Andy yet and it would be a bad idea to tell him everything now. "Where to?" I asked.

"Your new home." He said and I drove to the directions he gave me. We walked into this extremely modern elevator and it took us right up to the very top floor. As soon as the elevator opened I saw the most beautiful view. I walked right up to the big window and I looked at the night life and the city below. From here everything looked so beautiful but in wasn't. I notice Andy staring at me and I decide to break the silcene.

"Take a picture. It'll last longer." I said continuing to look at the city and I hear Andy chuckle besides me.

"Only if that means I get to use the picture for my lockscreen." He says and opens his phone. I turn to look at it and I burst out laughing.

"OH MY GOD. You're such a dork. Your lockscreen is...what even is this? Some kind of video game?" Andy laughs with me.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Maybe when we take that picture I can use that instead." I look at him and smile. I steal his phone and snap a quick picture.

"There. Now you actually have something cool on your phone."

"Heyyyyy this game is cool you just gotta try it first."

"Oh really? Wanna bet?" I say teasingly.

"Yeah. If you play it and you like it, I get to take you on a date."

"WOAH Strucker, I bet you were waiting for the perfect opportunity to say something like that." I laugh.

"Yeah. I was." He says and takes his phone out of my hand but when out hands touched he stayed there.

"What do I get?" I asked.

"Whatever you want." He says smiling. Then we hear foot steps and I let go of his phone. Then Lorna walks into the room.

"Hey you two. Y/n can you help me with something real quick?" She asks and sits on the couch. I was a bit shocked she needed my help with something.

"Me? Yeah, I mean sure...whatever you need." I said nervous.

"Don't be so nervous. I was just wondering if you could give me some baby names. I still haven't decided on one and Andy's suggestions are almost all stripper like."

"What? Noooo..." I say shocked. "Totally out of character for him." I say sarcastically and Lorna laughs and Andy rolls his eyes.

"Mock all you want Angel's a good name." Andy said shrugging and going to sit with Lorna on the couch.

"I'm going to pretend you didn't just say that." I said in mock discugst. "Is there any letter you want the name to start with? Or if you want the name longer or shorter to pronounce?" I ask turning to Lorna.

"I haven't really thought about it. I just thought I'd hear it and then know."

"I get that. What about Jasmine....or Sasha..or Daisy...Isabel..Dawn...Aria..Mel--."

"What did you say? Go back." Lorna asked.


"Not that one."

"Dawn?" I said and she nodded.

"I like that one. Kind of like.. a dawn of a new day. A fresh beginning."

"Yeah. It's beautiful when you put it that way. I like it. Andy?" I asked him.

"It's no Angel but.. I like it. A lot." He said smiling and Lorna smiled too.

"Well, thank you for the help but I should go get some rest." She said getting up but then she stopped. BABY.

"Argh." I said holding my ears down. That thought was so loud but when I look up Lorna is clutching her stomach and that means that Lorna's going into labor. "Andy get Reeva now. She's going into labor."

"Yeah, yeah okay, okay." Andy said frantically and ran off. I ran to Lorna and I let her hold onto me.

"Come on lets get you to the elevator." I said and I pressed the button. By the time it came up to the first floor everyone was already there and pilling into the elevator.

"Hell of a way to make an entrance Y/n." Reeva said. My breath caught in my throat. There were so any things I wanted to say but my cover must remain secure. So I just said something.

"I'd say. At least I can say my first day was full of surprises." I said and looked at her meaningfully.

"That you can." She said back nodding in my direction. The bell to the elevator door dinged and we all filed out. Lorna was now being carried by the triplets and they all went into one car and
Reeva, Andy, and I went into another. The car ride to the abandoned factory was quiet and tense because well, everyone was nervous about Lorna. We got to the place and they immediately put her on the bed and the doctor helped her. She was pushing but the baby wasn't coming out and the doctors thoughts were crowded with Something's wrong.

"What's going on?" Reeva asked impatiently.

"She's getting weaker and the baby still isn't out yet. It's like she's giving up hope."

"What do you mean doctor?" Reeva said angrily.

"I'm saying she doesn't have the right mindset and if she doesn't mentally want it her body will not work as it should.

"What if we helped her?" The middle triplet said.

"But what would you even show her?" Andy said and then it hit me.

"Show her the dawn of a new age." I said and Andy looked at me knowingly. The triplet looked at me confused. "Trust me." I said.

"Do it." Reeva said and the the middle one held Lorna's hand while the triplets eyes glowed blue. And shortly after.....

Dawn was born.

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