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It felt like an eternity before the bell finally rang, sounding out its signal to move on to the next class.

Edward picked up Bella's heavy backpack and flung it over his shoulder as though it held nothing but air, and with his other hand he handed her the crutches. Mike Newton paused beside their table, expecting to resume his duties, but as Bella's eyes seemed only for Edward, he heaved a sigh and continued walking.

With a victorious smile, he inwardly gloated at the Newton boy's defeated thoughts. "Shall we?" Edward asked, making sure that Bella was steady on her feet.

She nodded, hoping as she hobbled along that she would not trip over her crutches and make a fool of herself in front of this extraordinary boy, who for some reason, was favoring her with his presence. Causing herself further injury seemed to be the secondary concern.

Despite all the things that needed to be said, the two made their way down the hallway in silence. Edward had no clue about how to begin the conversation, and Bella was feeling too tongue tied to speak. Seconds were quickly turning into minutes as the doorway to her fifth period Government class drew ever closer.

Oh shoot, he thought, as they were just feet away from her next class. "So?"

"So...." she replied, looking up into his beautiful face as he kept a slow pace beside her, but then thought better of removing her attention from the floor as she walked. All she needed was another accident... The hallways were crowded and noisy as the students edged by, but the silence between them had been deafening. Bella said the first thing that came to her mind. "You play baseball?"

With a smile, he wondered, hoped... "You remember?"

She shook her head. "No. Charlie – my dad told me."

"Right." It was a harmless enough question. "Yes, my family and I enjoy a good game of baseball on occasion."

"Did I play...with you and your family?" she asked uncertainly as they entered the class, Edward following behind her until they reached her desk in the third row, fourth seat back. It sounded very unlikely.

Edward let out a chuckle as he hung her backpack onto the back of her chair. "No. You were the umpire."


The first bell rang out, to Edward's dismay. Now that Bella was settled, and he had to make his way to his frightfully dull French class, Edward faced the dreadful thought of leaving her. "See you after class?" he asked.

"Sure," she replied gleefully, looking up into his breathlessly pale features, and wondering yet again how it was that he was paying attention to her. Edward Cullen had one of those faces that graced the silver screen, or at least the covers of magazines. Bella felt that she was certainly not the prettiest of the girls at Forks High School, and definitely not the most interesting. In fact, standing beside Edward, she felt downright ordinary. Sadly, he began to make his way toward the door, and she called out his name.

The obscenely handsome pale boy turned back to face her.

"Thanks," she told him.

In return, she was rewarded with his brilliant white smile that took her breath away. Fifth period passed very slowly, but she was pleased to find Edward waiting for her in the doorway as the bell rang, and students began to file out. He met her at her seat, offering to help her up, but careful not to touch her bare skin. Just as he had last class, he flung her backpack over his shoulder and faced Bella with a smile.

"Ready?" he asked.

His voice had that musical quality, as it always had, and she mused how she had forgotten until just that moment when he spoke to her again.

Remember Me  (A Twilight fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now