9.Pillow Talk

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Bella was not afraid.

Her body was still, lying like a delicate statue against the luxurious red quilted velvet. The beat of her heart was calm, as though she were waiting for nothing more than the comforting lull of sleep. A long gown of black satin draped her curves, and goose bumps broke out across her bare arms in anticipation.

He was coming. She could hear the whisper of his footsteps, she could smell the familiar, heady earthy scent of him, she could see his devastatingly handsome figure as he approached; his dark hair was slicked forward, his golden eyes serious, his pale face determined. Bella did not have to ask; she could see it clearly on his face.

He was thirsty.

In one fluid movement, Edward was leaning over her. His arms snaked around her waist possessively. She found herself mesmerized by the complete adoration in his eyes, in awe of how gently his hands lifted the arch of her back. With the grace of a panther, he leaned his torso downward, the weight of his own body feather light against hers. And now a puff of his exhalation sent a cloud of scent up into her nostrils, awakening every nerve ending. His mouth descended upon the smooth skin of her neck, and it was as though she could see and hear in slow motion. Their eyes met for a brief moment, and his movement was marked with hesitance. She dared not move an inch and at once, his full lips parted to reveal a flash of white teeth. His jaw opened wider, and before he leaned back down to search for her carotid pulse, Bella was startled by the sight of his fangs...

With a gasp, she startled awake, her eyes catching the billowing movements of the curtain against the darkness of her window.

That was the first night she dreamt of Edward Cullen.

"Would you join me for lunch?"

Her heart pounded at the invitation and blood threatened to flood her cheeks. She hobbled alongside Edward as he carried her backpack into homeroom, still unable to shake the dream from her mind. Some of her dreams had been odd, but the one from the night before seemed to have hatched its own egg inside her brain.

"Yes," she told him, leading Edward to her desk.

He smiled then, setting the pack around the back of her chair and took the crutches from her as she sat. "See you after class."

As promised, he escorted her from class to class, making small talk about the weather or latest events. They both looked forward to a nice period of just sitting together...alone...face to face.

Hardly any explanation was needed as Edward helped Bella enter the cafeteria at lunch time and led her to their own table. Jessica, Mike, Angela, Eric, and the rest had already gotten the hint that the amnesiac would no longer be dining with them.

Nervously, Bella waited in her chair as Edward stood in line and paid for two lunches. She went over and over in her mind about what she wanted to ask. But as he approached and set down the tray before her, the sparkle in his amber eyes dazzled her, and all coherent thoughts fled from her mind like leaves in a breeze.

"I hope you're hungry," he told her.

She simply stared up at him, still mesmerized by the way his lips curved upward in amusement. The smile - it had been her favorite smile, she remembered.

"Thank you," she managed as he sat down across from her, unable to tear her gaze away from the perfection of his face. Her heart began to race once again.

There was so much Edward wanted to tell her as he gazed into those vulnerable chocolate brown eyes. He would have loved at that moment to confess his love and share the nature of their relationship before her injury. However, Carlisle's reasoning had made sense. There were two possibilities: one was that she would not believe him, and another was that she would believe him and then be frightened away. At this point, he could not stand just the idea of Bella being afraid of him. They had come too far for that. Edward could not consider a third possibility as it seemed too unlikely that she would simply accept his words as truth and then continue to keep his company. In the events leading up to her discovery of the Cullens' true nature, she had been exposed to Edward's supernatural feats. He had, in fact, saved her life three times. With no memory of his heroics and no new incidents, Bella had no reason to be suspicious. And now, he was like everyone else...

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