19. Open Door

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Bella closed her eyes as Edward cradled her up against his chest firmly, achieving a better grip. With her eyes closed, that heady scent of his was even stronger, and she could not resist breathing in his sweet exhalation. Before she could regain the rest of her senses, she began to feel the motion of moving forward when barely one second later his velvet voice caressed her ear.

"Open your eyes."

Her eyes sprung open to find herself and Edward now on the next floor, pacing slowly into the kitchen. She felt her jaw drop open. To Bella, the motion had felt as smooth as if they had flown or been transported somehow.

"Wow! How did you do that?" she asked.

"Nuh uh uh," he corrected. "No questions, remember? My game, my rules."

"But," she protested. "Can't I just ask..."

"No," he said, shaking his head adorably, teasingly.

"But, Edward...."

"Bella, do you want to play my game or not?"

This was difficult for her – blind acceptance - but she let her lips fall into a pout, nodding like an obedient child. "Yes."

"Very well then."

As they made their way through the dining area, the other Cullens greeted her with friendly smiles. Alice gave her a wink and nodded assuredly to Edward. Bella did not quite understand the exchange between Edward and his sister, but already knew she was not allowed to ask. At the same time, she tried to hold back her amazement at Edward's ascent up the staircase, instead trying to focus on her feelings as Alice had suggested the day before.

With respect to Edward's plan, the Cullens quietly departed the house, leaving Bella and Edward alone. Purposefully, he carried her around the second level, pausing as Bella's eyes briefly inspected each wall hanging, waiting to see if any prompted a response.

A spark of recall lit up in Bella's eyes. She pointed behind them to the kitchen. "Rosalie broke a glass bowl... with her hands – it shattered into a hundred pieces."

Smiling, Edward nodded. "Very good," he replied, then moved her to the staircase, observing the shaken look on her face. She seemed to be trying very hard to figure things out. "Any headaches?" he asked.

Bella shook her head, a little disconcerted by that flash of recall. There were a few things that were beginning to click together in her mind. Just the day before, she witnessed Emmett holding a dozen textbooks in one hand with seemingly no effort. In addition, she surmised that when he saved her life and stopped Tyler's van with a single hand that Edward possessed some kind of supernatural speed and strength. She had only just learned of his impossible ability to read minds, and now the way he appeared to be flitting about the house in a way that was not human left her unsettled.

"Let's move on," he said gently. "Close your eyes again, Bella. I want you to stop thinking. I only want you to feel."

With a sigh, she shut her eyes again, allowing his request to flow through her, pushing away her apprehension. His voice was soothing, and his words were as soft as velvet. As he carried her, Bella truly believed that Edward loved her, and no matter what he was, Bella was sure that she loved him as well. A moment later when told to open her eyes, they were on another level, and Edward paused before a huge black frame – the colors inside ranging from dark to pale arranged in long horizontal rows.

Bella pointed. "Graduation caps? I remember that." She held the question that would have been sure to follow inside her mouth, knowing he would not explain and remained quiet.

"Anything else?" he asked, curious if there was any recollection related to it.

Her brows knit together as she thought. "No."

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