Dreams of Darkness

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The door to the infirmary was thrown open as Y/n was carted in. The nurses were moving around the room rapidly, getting him hooked up to all the machines that would keep him alive.

Ruby, Yang, and Pyrrha all sat in the waiting room for a doctor to give them a report on his condition. Each of the girls coped with the situation differently.

Ruby had her natural reaction of stress eating, scarfing down copious amounts of cookies and chips, along with her drink of choice being a sugary soda.

Yang sat with her head in her hands while her feet tapped restlessly against the floor.

Pyrrha paced around the room, swiftly spinning around when she got too close to the wall.

Ruby felt that the situation Y/n was in was her fault. If she hadn't jumped into combat with the Deathstalker, then they would all be at the team creation ceremony.

Still, despite how Yang acted normally, she was still worried for her sister and friend.

Yang: Are you okay, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I'm pacing, Yang.

Yang: Yeah, I can see that.

Pyrrha: A girl who is okay doesn't pace, Yang.

Yang sighed but understood how Pyrrha was feeling, so she didn't pry for more.

Yang: Are you okay, Ruby?

Ruby finished the bag of chips she was eating.

Ruby: Do you think Y/n will be okay?

Yang wasn't sure herself, but she didn't want to tell her sister that.

Yang: Yeah, he'll be okay. He's too angry to die. He'll probably live just to spite death.

Ruby couldn't help but smile. Even in the dire situation at hand, Yang managed to make jokes.

After waiting for about forty-five minutes, the doctor walked through the door holding a clipboard containing Y/n's medical records.

The girls all shot their heads in the direction of the doctor. He reviewed the sheet one more time before sighing.

Doctor: Before I begin, I think it's important that you understand the gravity of the situation. The Deathstalker managed to inject about two hundred milliliters of venom into him before he got the stinger out. That is just short of a cup of venom.

Yang's head fell into her hands, Pyrrha paced faster, and Ruby, who had run out of food, hugged her knees to her chest.

Doctor: Five milliliters of Deathstalker venom is the lethal dose. We managed to get most of the venom out of his system, but there is still quite a bit left. Despite our efforts, there are still about twenty-five milliliters left in his system.

Yang: So what do you think is going to happen?

Doctor: Best case scenario? He'll be completely paralyzed. Worst case? He'll be dead within the hour.

Pyrrha: What are the chances he makes a full recovery?

Doctor: Unfortunately, the chances are very close to zero.

Ruby: Is there any kind of anti-venom?

Doctor: We've never had a reason for it. This is the only case I've ever seen where the sting victim managed to get to a hospital alive. Most people that get stung are killed shortly after. Visitation will open tomorrow. You girls should get to your dorms and get some sleep.

The doctor retreated back through the door while the girls slowly filed out of the infirmary. They each fell asleep the moment their heads hit the pillow, the exhaustion that was in the back of their minds finally catching up with them.

Ode to Fury (Overprotective Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now