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With Argus on the horizon, I shook the girls awake. Ruby immediately grabbed her things and ran to the window, staring in awe at the city. Yang joined her, albeit at a reasonable pace.

Eventually, I walked over to the window, and I couldn't help but smile at Ruby's wide eyes. As I was watching, I heard Yang giggling, making me look over.

Yang: I caught you smiling!

Me: What do you mean "caught me?" I don't hide my smile.

Yang: Yeah, but you rarely smile, so I caught you!

Me: I rarely smile because there is nothing for me to smile about.

Yang: The last time you smiled was when I graduated from Signal.

Me: That wasn't that long ago.

Ruby finally broke from her trance to help Yang.

Ruby: It's at least a few months.

I sighed and shook my head, knowing there was nothing I could do to change their mind.

We finally landed and stepped off the Bullhead. Being taller, I saw Pyrrha in the small crowd looking over other people's shoulders trying to find us.

As families started clearing out, she finally saw us and her face lit up. She practically charged me and jumped onto me, giving me a hug.

Not expecting it, I stood for a few seconds, not knowing what to do, before slowly returning the hug.

Yang and Ruby started giggling at my predicament, causing me to growl and put Pyrrha down.

Pyrrha: Hello! It's nice to see you again, Y/n! Who are these two?

Me: These are my sisters. The Blonde is Yang, the Brunette is Ruby. We should get to your house.

Yang elbowed me, shooting me a smirk.

Yang: That's what happens when you barely wear clothes, you get cold.

Me: I am not cold, but we are standing in the middle of the port, and we haven't moved since we got here.

Yang: Sure you aren't.

I growled again, before turning to Pyrrha.

Me: Lead the way.

Short Timeskip

We walked through the door of Pyrrha's house, it's a fairly big house, she said that it has five bedrooms, most likely bought the house with the tournament money.

She showed us to our rooms and left us to unpack our stuff.

I unpacked my minimal stuff, mainly just hygiene products like soap and toothpaste, and I also brought my whetstone and put it on the dresser.

I decided to go back out and meet Pyrrha in her family room. I saw her sitting on one of the couches, she made eye contact with me as I sat across from her.

Me: Where are your parents? You talk about them fairly often.

Pyrrha: They're usually in Atlas, my Dad is in the Military and my Mom is a Scientist. They trust me to stay home, I know how to take care of myself. But, on the bright side, I'm not lonely anymore!

Me: I'm sorry, but you're right, you don't have to worry about being alone anymore, because we're here now.

She blushed and looked away with a smile.

Pyrrha: What about you? You never talk about your parents.

I clenched my fist but started my explanation.

Me: I was adopted into my family at a young age. My Mother died on a mission only a few years after I was adopted. My father broke down and stopped working, leaving me as the only one to provide for the family. I was raising two kids by myself before I could even read properly. My father still went out to buy groceries, but eventually, that stopped, too. At age twelve I was hunting to feed my family. That's how it was for a long time, my Dad always told me to do something strange, he always told me to call him before I got home. Until one day, a few years ago, I forgot.

Pyrrha: What happened then?

She was very invested in my story, looking both intrigued and sad.

Me: I came home and heard Yang screaming in pain, so I ran upstairs and saw my father beating her. I later found out that the reason Yang was getting beaten was because she tried to protect Ruby. He wanted to beat and rape Ruby because she reminded him of my Mother. The reason he wanted me to call him was because he needed to know when to stop.

Pyrrha was clenching her fist with me, I knew she was angry.

Me: I beat him to near death and threw him outside. I had hoped that an Ursa or Beowolf, hell, maybe even a Dark Elf would get him, but he was still there in the morning. I took my sisters and left to the mainland, we lived in a cabin, and I put both Yang and Ruby in Signal, Yang graduated from Signal last year, she's going to Beacon next year, and Ruby is starting her third year this year.

Pyrrha: What about you?

Me: I do what I always do. I study by myself. I've never even entered a school building, everything I know is self-taught.

Pyrrha: I'm sorry, Y/n. You mentioned that you were adopted, do you know who your real parents are?

Me: I do, but I would like to keep that out of public knowledge.

I looked at the time and saw that it was getting late, it was about eleven.

Me: We should get to bed.

She agreed and we went off to our own rooms, I fell asleep easily, but I was woken up at about midnight when Pyrrha opened my door.

Pyrrha: Y/n?

Me: Yes, Pyrrha?

Pyrrha: I can't sleep, can I sleep in your bed tonight?

I sighed but moved over. She reminded me of Ruby when she was younger.

Pyrrha climbed into the bed and slowly got closer to me over time.

Pyrrha: Goodnight, Y/n.

Me: Goodnight, Pyrrha.

Ode to Fury (Overprotective Male Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now