Meeting the Team

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We spent quite some time walking, as the dorm area is incredibly far away from the infirmary for some odd reason.

I don't think that I'm wrong when I say that the dorms being a ten-minute walk from the infirmary is extremely counter-productive, but what do I know?

When we finally got up to Team RWBY's dorm, the rest of JNPR and RWBY were already in there waiting for us.

I will admit that the second I saw the blonde boy, I got rather annoyed, but managed to hold my temper in.

I decided to save speaking with him for last, as it would give me a chance to calm down while talking to the others. I will address all of them right now, but talk to him separately.

Me: My name is Y/n. I will be what Professor Ozpin has referred to as your guardian. I have achieved this role not only because I am an individual of extreme strength and skill, but because there are people that I care about deeply on both of your teams. I have met all of you briefly, though we did not get the chance to speak. Should you wish to speak to me yourselves, my room is across from this dorm room.

I then looked over at the blonde boy, Jaune. I must've done it far more aggressively than I intended, as the boy flinched when I did so.

Me: You, boy. Step forward.

He reluctantly came over to me.

Me: You are the team leader, no?

Jaune: Yes, I am.

Me: I don't have anything to worry about, do I?

Jaune: No, of course not.

Me: Pyrrha is very important to me. See to it that nothing happens to her, and I wish you luck.

Jaune: You don't want me to fail as a leader?

Me: Why would I want you to fail? I don't agree with the decision to make you the team leader; in fact, I think it was the worst decision that could have been made but made it was. However, wishing for you to fail is counterproductive to me, as your failure puts Pyrrha at risk.

He slumped when he heard my words, but seemed to be filled with a newfound determination to prove me wrong. I hope he does.

Me: I will be in my room if you need me.

I was out of the room before anyone said a word, so I suppose there was nothing else to say.

My things were left on my bed, so I began unpacking. I've always had very minimal possessions. I've never had a need for or really wanted the luxuries that most people have. The only reason I have a scroll is because of my sisters.

My bag consisted of hygiene products and weapon maintenance items. Shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, shaving cream, a razor, a toothbrush, and toothpaste. Whetstone, steel wool, acetone, wood grain oil.

This is my bag, for sure. Only I would have this small amount of things.

I quickly placed my items in their places and sat at my desk with a bucket of water that my whetstone was soaking in.

My axe wasn't used that often in the initiation, but it does have a few chips, and the wood grain is getting a little rough, so it's time to sharpen the blade and oil the handle.

I was about to pull my whetstone out of the water when a knock sounded on my door.

Me: Come in.

I pulled my whetstone from the bucket as the two other members of Team RWBY walked through my door. Blake and Weiss. The two people I least expected to approach me due to Weiss's ego and Blake's shy, solitary nature.

Weiss: Ruby and Yang thought that it would be a good idea for us to come by and get to know you.

Me: I see. Well, feel free to have a seat. I will answer any questions you have.

They both sat on my bed and were quiet for a minute.

Weiss: What are you doing?

Me: Sharpening my axe. I have not done it in some time.

Blake: I've never seen someone use a whetstone to do that.

Me: You do not use a whetstone for your sword?

Blake: No, I've always had it machine sharpened.

Weiss: Me too; it's a shorter process that you can't really get wrong.

Me: Whatever works for you, I prefer the human touch. Ruby prefers my whetstone sharpening to machine sharpening. It is how her scythe is able to cut through everything it does.

Blake: You're able to get them that sharp?

Me: Yes. It is a process, like you said, but it makes killing Grimm easier. Would you like me to sharpen yours?

Weiss: You wouldn't mind?

Me: I've been sharpening two weapons for years; it wouldn't be a hassle at all.

They both received their swords and came back. I was done with my axe by the time they got back.

I took Blake's sword and began working my magic. She observed me closely with wonder in her eyes. She watched as her sword's already sharp edge began to glow with the light above me in an iridescent shine.

I handed the sword back to her in its scabbard, and she immediately pulled it out to marvel at my work. She ran a finger horizontally on the edge of the blade, which made a nice plinking noise as her finger left the blade.

A small grin came to my face, and I grabbed Weiss's sword to begin my work.

I handed it back to her and began to put away my tools.

Weiss: This is the sharpest my sword has ever been. What kind of magic did you do?

Me: I've been doing this for a long time. It's just a skill I picked up.

It might have been a lie. I'm actually not entirely sure. Perhaps it has something to do with having your weapon serviced by a god. It doesn't matter all that much; whatever gives them an advantage.

The girls left still wondering about my sharpening work, while I decided to sit down and read for a while.

A/n: I'm admittedly not too happy with how this one turned out, but it had to be written since it was the next step in line to continue the story. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it even if I didn't.

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