Chapter 3

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June 8, 1995- Welcome to the world Emily

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June 8, 1995- Welcome to the world Emily

Andrea gave birth to Emily on June 8, 1995, accompanied by her best friend Melanie. After running from Maverick, Melanie had opened her home up to Andrea and her unborn child until she could get a new place of her own. After many hours, Emily entered the world with a cry. She had a small amount of brown hair on her head to match her brown eyes. Andrea gazed at the infant before her; she already looked so much like her father and Andrea knew that she would grow up to be just like him. She could only hope that she didn't gain his cocky attitude or raising her would be a hell of a job.

Age: 4 months old- Meeting the Kazanskys

Emily was now 4 months old and by this time Andrea had moved out of her friends house and back to Miramar in a new house where Pete couldn't trace her. Work had been hard recently as she tried to work a full time job and take care of her child. Bills started to accumulate as Andra found herself having to stay home a lot in order to take care of the hyperactive baby. She knew it was time to tell one of her and Pete's close friend's, Tom Kazansky.

Andrea loaded Emily into her car and drove down the familiar streets to the home that Andrea and Pete often visited together. Pete and Tom had remained close friends after Top Gun and Pete introduced Emily to him and his wife, Sarah. They had all become close friends and would have dinners together as often as they could. Andrea finished reminiscing on the past as she pulled into the house's driveway, closing her eyes and taking a deep breath before she turned off the car and went to open her child's car door. Once Emily was unbuckled out of her carseat, her single mother shut the car door and made her way to the front door with Emily cradled between her arms. She rang the doorbell and anxiously waited on the doorstep; her heart was beating inside her chest as she heard footsteps near the barrier between her and the footstep's owner. Andrea's eyes shot up when she heard the creak of the door hinges and was met with a pair of green eyes.

"Andrea?" The man questioned as he stared at her in shock which doubled as he looked down at the baby in her arms. The last time he had heard anything from her was when Maverick told him they broke up because he messed up and he hadn't been able to contact her since.

"Hey Ice, long time no see." A timid smile momentary popped up onto her face.

"How- why-" He quickly stopped trying to speak as he engulfed her in a hug, careful to avoid the baby in her arms. "Do you want to come in?"

Andrea smiled and nodded as he motioned for her to come inside and he shut the door behind her while she scanned the friendly home.

"Hey Tom, who is that?" A female voice rang out throughout the home as her footsteps neared the two friends at the front entryway.

"Andrea?" The woman's eyes widened as she saw her close friend standing next to her husband.

"Sarah." Andrea's eyes softened as she saw one of her closest friends standing before her and it was not long before Sarah hugged her as tight as she could in a similar manner as Tom had earlier, careful to avoid the small life form in her arms.

"You have a baby? Is it Mav's? We have been worried sick about you, Mav came by after you disappeared and said he didn't know where you went, but he messed up and it's all his fault you left. We tried contacting you, but you wouldn't answer me or Tom's calls and your house was empty and oh Andrea, I missed you so much." Sarah pulled her friend in for another hug as tears escaped both of their eyes.

"I'm sorry," Andrea started sobbing, "I had to go and I was scared and hurt and I didn't know what to do." Sarah had led Andrea and the child to the couch; placing a hand on her knee, using her thumb to rub circles to help comfort Andrea. Tom sat on the chair next to the couch facing the two women.

"Andrea," Tom started and Andrea's eyes caught his, "we aren't mad, we have just been worried about you," he smiled as he looked at the women he saw as a sister. She just nodded and took a deep breath.

"I owe it to you both to tell you everything." Andrea went on to tell her friends about Pete cheating on her and how she was pregnant with their child that he did not know about. She then left town as fast as she could and went to live with a friend and gave birth to Emily a few months later. After moving back to Miramar and realizing she couldn't take care of Emily and work full time, she admitted she needed help and that led her to the doorstep of the Kazanskys. She also admitted that she didn't want Pete to know about their daughter because she did not want her to get hurt by him like she had been.

"Oh Andrea, we will help you in any way we can, if you need one of us to take care of Emily when you are at work we will gladly help. And you don't need to worry about Mav finding out, he moved out of town a few months ago, off to another base. Your secret is safe with us." Sarah wrapped an arm around Andrea's shoulder.

"Thank you so, so much," Andrea thanked the couple. "Now, would you like to hold her?" Tom and Sarah both held large smiles on their faces as Sarah held little Emily first and was gushing over how adorable she was, and at this point Emily had finally decided to wake up from her long nap. She would occasionally giggle at her now Aunt Sarah would poke her nose every so often and looked confused as she was handed off to the man in the room. Her brown eyes scanned the man's face from his blond hair to his green eyes and the large smile that adorned his face.

"Hey Em, I'm your Uncle Ice. Once you're old enough I'm going to be taking you up in some of the jets I fly. How does that sound?" He ended by tapping her nose which led to a giggle from the small girl.

"Oh great, I'm going to lose my daughter because you'll be making her your RIO the moment she says her first word." Andrea rolled her eyes.

"You know it," Ice smirked and he knew from that moment on that he would do anything he could to keep little Emily safe.

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