The Things We Missed

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"I had many things to write, but I will not with ink and pen write unto thee" 3 John 1: 13

He went on to say (in the next verse) that he would tell Gaius (the person he was writing to) when they met face to face. How I wished he wrote another chapter!

There are areas in scripture that has left me with the same feeling of blessed vessels having so much to say but either saying them off record or telling them they will be told later. It has always left me wondering about what they would have said if they were given the chance or led to say them.

Let us start with Jesus.

"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot hear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth..." John 16:12&13

This leaves us with hope. He would have told us Himself but left us with the assurance that the Spirit will lead us into all truth. However, as much as this leaves us with hope, it also creates a problem of knowing what is speaking and being on our toes to recognize the Spirit when He speaks either to us directly or through others.

This is further compounded by the fact that there are many people who are always eager to declare how they have been sent by the Most High Himself. Jesus while rebuking some of the Pharisees said they rob the houses of widows and cover it up by making long prayers. Those long prayers had a way of making the people (widows) believe something about the Pharisees that was far from the truth. They knew this and used it to their advantage. We were also warned that there will come a time when many false Christs will fight for our attention.

It would have just been nice if Jesus had gone on to tell us more of those things He said the Comforter would lead us into but the distraction from the Truth is a reality everyone must face. Apostle Paul said there must need be people that are wrong so that those that are right would be clear for all to see (I think he said this to the Corinthians). Like I said, this does not leave us in the kind of position of clarity we would have had if Jesus had just gone ahead to state more of those things He said the Spirit would lead us to know.

Then there is the curious case in the Book of Hebrews

Book of Hebrews

"Called of God a high priest after the order of Melchizedek. Of whom we have many things to say, and hard to be uttered, seeing ye are dull of hearing" Hebrews 5: 10&11

In this case, the very reason why we did not get to hear some things was because the people the letter was directed to were dull of hearing. That is, they had heard so much but it was just not getting through anymore.

The verses after went on to tell them that they were yet unskilled in the word of God, that they were still taking the milk of the word rather than "strong meat". So the scriptures was willing to give us "strong meat" at that point but it would have been lost on the people. They were not ready for it and because of that, we suffered.

This is sad. Those "hard to be uttered" words may have probably been very easy for us to understand in this time and age because we are in the age of increase in knowledge.

The people during the time of Solomon acclaimed him to be wise indeed after he did a play on human psychology as it got to find out who really owned the baby that he pretended he wanted to slaughter. This is not to say that they people were generally dull between the ears as almost anybody (these days) would have quickly been on to the king but even in our generation, younger ones tend to be more savvy with current technology simply because it is in their time that these things were created.

For the record, Solomon was indeed wise but what we are driving at here is that those "hard to be uttered" words would have been uttered if the people of that time were not "dull of hearing". We missed something big there.

Daniel and the Sealed Words

"And he said, go thy way, Daniel: for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end" Daniel 12:9

Daniel's case was different. In his case, he did not understand what he was hearing and was told that he could not because the words had been sealed until the last days. Everybody agrees that we are in the last days, has it been unsealed? Who broke the seal? Who will believe that the interpretation given is true? Will there be a consensus or is it that a time will come when it will really be unsealed to the point where just about anybody will know what it means (after all, Jesus said that His coming will be just like lightning i.e. it will be so glaring that no one would be able to dispute it).

You can see the problem with that word being sealed because there are a thousand and one voices claiming to have unsealed it. This is something we missed although we have an assurance that it will be made clear in due course.

Another Case of A Sealed Message

"And when the seven thunders had uttered their voices, I was about to write: and I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not". Revelation 10:4

This was between John, an Angel and an event. In the event, voices uttered words and John understood the words. However, as he was about putting the words down in writing, someone told him not to do it. That word is forever lost as it were. Of course, there could be the argument that since it was not revealed, it did not belong to us (as in things revealed belongs to us and our children). It was however, revealed to John and he slept with what was revealed to him. There is a natural tendency to muse over what he might have heard and why it was not revealed.

Babes, Meat & Bones

"And I, brethren, could not speak unto you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, even as unto babes in Christ. I have fed you with milk, and not with meat: for hitherto ye were not able, to bear it, neither yet now are ye able" 1 Corinthians 3: 1&2

"Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect..." 1 Corinthian 2:6

The Corinthian church was many things and one of them was that the Apostle called them babes even though it is on record that they were not slack in the gifting of God. He told them that he spoke to them as one would speak to babes. You do not talk politics, the economy or the inherent dangers of nuclear proliferation with babes. If you really want to say anything about such to them, you go through the birds and the bees route i.e. water it down in such a way that you know it might just lose the true meaning of the actual events or scope.

He could have given them bones and we would have been the better for it but he was talking to people who would have choked on bones, he therefore maintained their diet of milk. Now what he told them was pretty much extensive. We can even go as far as saying that they received some profound messages. However, the Apostle called it milk and if it was milk to the Apostle, imagine what could have been bones? We really missed something big here because of the people the scripture was directly addressing.

What are we missing today, right at this moment? What is being held back from you because you are not just ready for it even though it could benefit generations after you? What will you get to hear right now if only you decide to clean up your act? What will you hear if you just decide to become an adult in Christ? Is it not interesting, the things we missed out on because of the shortcomings of others? One wonders what others are missing out on because of our own shortcomings.

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