Chapter 5- Miranda's POV

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Chapter 5

“That is so cute on you.” I smiled at Eleanor. She smiled back, she was seriously one of the sweetest girls I’d ever met. We all stood in a line wearing different length dresses. I had tried on 5 different maxi dresses because of my leg.

Maria’s phone buzzed. She looked at it, casting a glance my way before picking it up.

“Hey Zayn, what’s up?” The other girls automatically folded in around me, talking about everything from the dress to how I’d been. I talked with them until I heard Maria say,

“Wait, What do you mean Harry is in the Hospital?” I dropped my crutches and hopped over on one foot. Swiping the phone from Maria.

“Zayn, Yeah, Hi. It’s Miranda.” Before he could say anything to me I silenced him. “What Happened to Harry?”

He sounded shocked to hear me, but answered me anyways, “He got hit by a car and is now in critical condition.”

“Oh my God...” Then I cursed loudly and very un lady like. I had to see him again, nothing would stop me this time. “Zayn, If I am not there in 30 minutes call me, you still have my number, right?”

“Yes, I do. I’ll see you soon.” I started crying, and then I said.

“Zayn, I miss you.”

“Miss you too, come quick.” Then I hung up. I wiped my tears and faced my neighbor, who incidentally also owned the boutique.

“Mrs. Delphina,” I smiled at her, hopefully making sure she didn’t bring up the fact I just cursed. “My friends and I need to end this appointment early, it would appear that our friend is in the hospital. May I arrange another appointment later?”

She said that I could and then I picked up my crutches again and hobbled back to the dressing room. I tried to be careful with the dress. But my frustration just got the better of me and I got tangled. I untangled myself pretty quickly though and set to the task of putting my own clothes on at an accelerated pace. I could stop tears in their tracks, but the sobs kept coming.

“Okay guys, lets go.” Maria and Natalie both grabbed my hand while we were in the Limo. “It’ll be okay, Miranda.”

“No, no it won’t what if he dies and I don’t get to see him again. I’ll spend my entire life hating myself being stuck with stupid safe James.” I sobbed into Maria’s hair.

“I thought you loved James sweetie.”

“I do, just not in the same way. It’s difficult to explain.” I sobbed so much that for the rest of the way there, words became impossible to form.

What if he died before I saw him?

What if Zayn and the other boys wouldn’t let me go in?

What would happen if word got to James?

So many God be damned questions circulating in my head right now, everything was blurred when we got out of the car. Paparazzi was circling us, surely recognizing the other girls who were huddled around me to protect my identity. Questions were being shouted as two security guards rushed up to us pushing the people away.

The moment I saw Liam I broke away from the girls, something in me couldn’t stand not hugging him. And for the first time in a little over a year part of me felt stitched up.

“Oh my God.” I said through tears, “I’ve missed you so much.” His voice was scratchy, probably from crying, but he called the other boys over.

“Holy shit.” Niall and Louis cursed as they ran over. Joining in our hug, and Zayn poked his head out of a hospital room and joined in. I felt almost whole again. The other girlfriends were dragged into the hug. And so there we were, a nine person group hug in the middle of a hospital hallway. Almost everyone was in tears, sobbing like we were 3 years old.

And then a nurse asked us if we were okay. We all burst out laughing, I’m sure despite the situation we were seeing each other under was terrible, we all felt the best that we had in the longest time.

“How is he?” I asked when we all got calmed down. I stayed holding Louis and Liam’s hands, because I needed a reminder that I was still living, that this was still real life. Danielle and Eleanor went in to go see him as we sat against the wall outside of his room.

“Critical Condition. We had a few moments of old time glory, sneaking out to go to starbucks before a show. And he was hit by a car while we were crossing the street. He’s in a coma right now. But before you go in, we need to talk.” Louis said, the past summer I had spent with him, he had always seemed so happy and free.

Now there was a weight to his face, something in his eyes that kept him from being happy. I’d seen it in each of them, even the girls had something in them that kept them from just being free. I knew how it felt, almost perfectly.

“Okay, I’ve got an idea of what this might be about.” And looking at their faces in that moment, I hated myself more than ever, how could I have ever thought that I was good enough for them? They were so sweet, kind, and loving. I felt stupid for not seeing through their act at the soccer game, maybe just maybe if I had, I could have protected them from myself.

“He still loves you.” Liam blurted. Louis glared at him and Liam put his hands up like he was surrendering. “She has a right to know Lou. You know that she still loves him too, otherwise she wouldn’t be here, she would have had her fiance pick her up from the coffee shop to avoid seeing us.”

Everything inside me imploded, I started sobbing again. How was I going to see James after this? They would have to leave eventually, continue on with their rockstar lives. And besides, I was getting married in 2 months, I couldn’t just break off the engagement now.

“Hey,” Louis put his arm around me and shook me by the shoulders. “It’s okay, no one is mad at you. We’ve all missed you terribly, were just worried about both of you after you see each other.”

“And you think I’m not? I have to go see my fiance after this. I’m probably going to have to get my meds re-adjusted. But, I really don’t care about all of that, because if he dies, I won’t ever get to see the man I love again.” I cried into Louis’s chest.

“If you don’t love James, why are you going to marry him?” Liam asked softly.

“I do love James, just in a different way,” I whispered, then took a deep breath, I looked Liam in the eye and said, “Do you really think Harry loves me? Why would he love me when he could have any other girl in the world? The boy could date anyone with a title or a big name. He doesn’t want me.”

“Miranda. Look me in the eye,” Louis said, I turned to face him. “Harry has become a zombie, I don’t know, or really care what you have been reading online. He never eats, he is always sleeping. I’ve never seen him less happy, not even when we were kicked off of x-factor. That boy is in love with you. It hurts him more than you could possibly know that you are gone, and marrying someone else because you are marrying someone you don’t love because you think that he doesn’t love you.”

“Miranda?” I looked up to see Danielle and Eleanor, Louis’ words still ringing in my head. “You can see him now.”

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