1 -Same dream

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Disclamer: This was only a fiction storyline for VegasPete. None of the story were based on the real series. Their personality was quiet the same as in the real novel but I toned down it a bit to make it easy for me. I tried to write a new genre for our VP couple. This was actually my first book so I'm not sure what kind of reaction will you guys gave me later. Okay, so go on and read this story.
Please leave some comment 🍀


"You're back. How's school?? Did you meet someone today?" asked my grandpa who was sitting on the deck-chair while reading a newspaper.

The looked in his eyes mean about something else. Did he just teasing me about crushing over someone who don't even know about my existence?

"Meet who? I don't meet anyone. Umm.. Today was great actually, kinda.. and oh! Aunty Som asked me to pass this carrot cake and she also says thanks for fixing the light at her shop." I said while trying to put up my straight face in front of him.

I walked inside the house ignoring his gaze. Argghhh!! Even my grandpa make fun about it! Then how am I supposed to have my self-confident? I heard him laughing from behind. Sighed..

Sometimes life did not come in the way that you wanted it to be. Well, this is not a fairytale story. Like maybe a princess came into my life and I will be the prince? For sure it just in my dream. We will never gonna be like that.

"Honey... stop teasing your own grandchild. He will leave the house for sure if you keep doing that." I heard my grandma voice came from the backyard. Phew.. At least I got some back up.

I went into my room and threw myself on the bed. I closed my eyes and without realizing that I have fallen into asleep. Today was quiet tiring because the teacher keep asking some random questions. Like, why did the mammoth had a thick hair while the elephant was hairless?

How am I supposed to know that? I'm not even exist during the prehistoric period. None of us was existed during that time. If you guys know about this please tell me. Immediately.






This place is so beautiful.. The scent of lavender filled my nose. It's very calming. I was sitting under the shady tree as I could feel the breeze kissing my cheeks. I heard the bird chirping and the sound of the river flowing tranquilly.

It's so clear that I could see the reflection of myself. Then I decided to go for a a walk into the field that filled with the blooming colourful flower. Like a rainbow. The sky was so clear as I could see the plane crossed into the tiny cloud. It's so nice to be here.

When I was walking on the small route of the field I felt that something or someone was watching me from afar. It was the inexplicable feeling of mine.

I quickly turned around to see if there was anything that suspicious or dangerous. I don't know what I'm searching for right now. But then, I caught my attention towards a tall figured that stood not so far from me. I couldn't see his face clearly because of the bright light that came from his behind.

I didn't move a bit as he tried to walk towards me. This feeling.. It was a strange feeling that I seem to be familiar with. But why I don't feel scared? Why won't I run away from him? How can he make me feel like I'm safe in here? With him.

As he was actually stood right in front of me I could tell that our height was not so different. Maybe a few inch. 1 inch?

I could see clearly his whole face, from the hair to his chin. The eyes that always looked at me with the mysterious way stayed the same.

On that moment I noticed that his left and right eyes was in the two different colour. I'm focusing into his eyes as I'm forgotting that I stared at him for too long. Until I didn't even realized that he was actually do the same thing. Why would he gave me this kind of feeling?

I don't know when did he brought his face closer to mine as he whispered right beside my ears and said, "Wake up.."


I opened my eyes and saw that I was actually inside my room still in my school uniform. I rubbed my face using my hands before get out from the bed and then headed towards the bathroom. I stood in the shower for awhile with the running water that flowing all over my body.

Those dream... Lately it's became so vivid. Even the views looked like I was actually there. I was right there walking around. And.. The guy in my dream.

Why was he looked so real? Am I imagine thing right now? Or maybe I was sick? Or today was my badluck? Ughhh!!

Maybe next time I should ask him why would he always appeared in my dream. From that I will know that maybe he was from the past life and having a hard time and couldn't find the way back home. I could help him with it. Well... Not me, my grandma.

Grrwl... Opps, my stomach needed to be refilled. I dried my hair with the towel and went to downstair. I smelled something good.

"Chicken soup?"

"Yeahh.. come and sit down." said my grandma while scooping the rice into the plate. "Honey. Honey? Come down dinner is ready."

I watched my grandpa walked down towards the kitchen and took a seat next to grandma. I watched them taking a good care of each other. And I wondered that one day I will be like this? The long last love? Even in this age they were still loved each other eitherly.

I'm jealous. Yeahh.. you heard me right? I'm jealous. Not me being part of the single community for the whole years since I was born. So sad...

About the guy that I just saw in my dream. He's not here. He didn't even existed! If he was here I should ask him to help me find a girlfriend. Or maybe help with my crush? HEHE.. Who knows?

"Umm.. grandma?"

"Yes, honey.. Is there something wrong with the food?" asked grandma with a concerned on her face.

"No. It's not the food. Umm.. I just wondering if you.. Umm.. I mean dream about something, but it was like so unreal?"


I looked at my grandma who just gave me the faint smile. My grandpa was just minding his own business eating the chicken legs. I bet he's hungry after fixing those shoes.

"Sweetheart... you have growth up already. The time moved so fast and your birthday was just around the corner. Now it your time for you to know the truth about our family."

Huh? What was she tried to say?

"What do you mean by knowing the truth?"


But all I could see was my grandma didn't say any words after that. She just gave me a looked with something that hard to guess.

I hate this kind of feelings. Do we really have to do this? But I got a feeling that there were some mysterious details about my parents death. Even my grandparents hide it from my knowledge.

And my birthday? It's just around the corner. Maybe in 2 days? I don't know. I don't really care about this kind of not important event. Maybe people out there was feeling good and excited for their birthday celebration..

Not me. I don't feel special. But I'm glad that I survived living in this 'judgemental society' thing. Breathing in the same air with them.

This kind of reminder me of what Emma Watson said that, "Remember you have a family to feed, not a community to impress."

Wow...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 It's really hit different. Apologize to the reader if it was to offensive. Well.. actually I don't care cuz I am Pete, a person who only think about himself and his family. Not for you guys.

Let's move on to the next part.


What kind of truth did his grandma talked about? Maybe a secret? Keep digging guys.

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