Chapter 3: A terror of Stormterror

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The wind blows extremely strong in the mountains as we see a cloak figure climbing up the mountain as the wind blow the end of his cloak while the extreme strong wind try to blow him off but it seems he dose not allow the extreme strong wind to blow him off the mountain and continue on climbing up the hill.

Once at the top there was nothing bit clear clouds around him as he stood there and waited for something to come towards him. Then the wind slowly died down a bit as thecloak figure stood to where he was and waiting for it to arrive. After for sometime the wind came up bit this time it was for something else.

A dark shadow blocks out the sun behind the vloak figure as he turns around and look up to be met by a large blue dragon with four wings as the dragon look down apon the dark cloak figure.

Then he pulls out something from his pocket and it revealed to be a wonder ride book as he opens the book and shoots out a block smoke towards the blue dragon as the dragon lend out a cry of pain as the cloak figure continues giving it more pain until the dragon was lowered down close to the cloak figure.

The cloak figure walks towards the fallen dragon and places his one foot onto the dragons head as he glare at the dragon and then spoke as he tells the dragon.

???: You will take me to Mondstadt. I wish to return there and get my revenge on those who cast me aside.

He gaves the dragon more pain and the dragon was forced to allow him to climb onto the dragon and once that the blue dragon flies off as the dragon takes him back to Mondstadt so the cloak figure will see how it's been since he was gone.



We see Y/n and his friends at Mondstadt as we see Y/n on top of the town and looking at the amazing veiw as Aether joins him as the two look at the veiw.

Aether: (smile) Looks like we made it.

Y/n: (smile) Yep. It's great and the wind feels nice.

Aether: (smile) You can say that again.

The two were enjoying their moment while at the background we see Paimon flying away as Destast was chasing her around, wanted to eat her.

Paimon: No! Paimon is no food! Paimon told you this many times!

Destast: Well Destast says he wants something to eat and if that water sword men ain't gonna let us in, I might as well eat our emergency food.

Paimon: No please!!!!

Amber watches this happen as she was dumbfounded of Destast's wanted to eat Paimon as she ask him when he run by her.

Amber: Is she even that delicious?

Destast: Very much so yes.

Paimon: Paimon is no food! Please leave Paimon alone!

Y/n: Can you be patient Destast. I'm sure Jack will come out soon.

Destast: Still why do we have to wait outside? I mean we wanna join this organisation right? So what gives.

Aether: They're probably want to gather everyone so they can properly introduces themselves to us.

Amber: That or Jack wants to tell them about you and how your not much as a threat to them.

Destast: Really? I've never done anything that is evil or cruel.

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