Chapter 4: The template of the four winds

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We see Jack, Lisa, Jean and Espada aka Luke at the meeting room within the Knights of Favonius base as Luke informs them something important while he was away.

Jack: You sure about this?

Luke: I'm sure about it. The Megid are making their moves, attacking any cities or towns in their way. What I've found they are showing themselves to thid land.

Jean: What's the possibility for them coming here?

Luke: Not too sure but judging how desperate they are, it's a possibility they will arrive here in a few weeks.

Jean: I see. We must be ready for them when they come. We can't allow this place to fall, not without a fight.

Lisa: Let's hope the others will be back soon as possible.

Jack: Same. I've just got both Buster and Kenzan will return back tomorrow morning.

Jean: What about Slash?

Jack: He'll be here within 4 hours. Let's just hope he's alright while making his way back.

Then the twin doors open and then Kaeya step inside the room and telle them.

Kaeya: Sorry to interrupt but I've just word that one of the storm templates have been open, it's possible a Megid.

Jean: Well it's a good thing Amber and her team are on their way to investigate it.

Kaeya: Her team?

Jack: (smile) Let's just say I have a new member to go with them and investigate it.

Kaeya: I see. You think they need some help?

Lisa: (smirk) Do not worry, I'm sure Amber and the others will be fine, I'm sure of it.



Walking through the dirt road we see Amber, Y/n, Aether, Paimon and Detast making their way to the Temple of the four winds and investigate as their first mission of the day.

Still a sound of Detast's stomach grumble in hunger as he let's out a sigh while he place his hand onto his stomach and then said.

Detast: Man I'm soo hungry.

Aether: Didn't you not have a big breakfast?

Detast: Yeah but I'm hungry now. Hey Paimon get inro my mouth.

Paimon: No! Paimon is not food! How many times dose Paimon tell you!

Detast: Don't care, get in my belly right now.

Paimon: No!

Y/n: Now Detast let's try to be nice.

Detast: Fine.

Amber: (giggle) You Megid friend is pretty funny.

Y/n: (smile) Guess you can say that. So tell me about this temple and why is it so important?

Amber: They are Temples that are homed to the four winds that protected Mondstadt for years. But that's all in the past, now these temples are abandon and not much touched by anyone, not even Stormterror doesn't go there anymore.

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