Chapter 2: The swordsmen of water has arrived

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It was the sunny day as we see Y/n and Aether making their way through the beach as the ocean gently moves in and out from shore while Aether and Y/n stop and look around as Aether pulls out his map while Y/n looks over.

Aether: There should be a town through the forest but there will be monsters there so it's probably best we be careful while walking through the woods.

Y/n: I agree. Who knows what we might stumble while walking through the woods.

Aether: (smile) Yeah but we can handle if any monsters attack us. After all, we are pretty good in blade combat right.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah. Say I've been meaning to ask you?

Aether: Sure what is it?

Y/n: You never told me where you came from? Like what village you live before you go on your adventure with Paimon.

Aether was silent for a minute and just tell Y/n.

Aether: Maybe it's best I'll tell you that for another time. For now let's get moving.

Y/n: Oh okay then. Say speaking of Paimon, where is she?

Aether: Yeah actually i don't see your other friend with you? Where could they b-


They turn to see Desast chasing Paimon around while having a pot to cook as he try to have Paimon into the pot so he can eat her.

Desast: Come on you little delicious thing! Get in the pot!

Aether and Y/n stood there watching this happen as Y/n gently place his hand on us face while Aether said.

Aether: This might take a while.

Y/n: Yeah agree. (Sigh) Let's hope Desast wait a bit longer until we arrive.

Aether: Yeah let's hope so.

In the distance we see a shadowy like figure looking down at them before he turn and walks off.



We see the four walking through the woods trying to make it to their location while Paimon keeps clear from Desast so he won't try to eat her for his meal.

Desast: Man your really are quick when you flap those wings of yours.

Paimon: (anger) Paimon doesn't want to talk to you meanie.

Desast: Just trying to start a conversation, no need to be a brat about it.

Y/n: Desast, your the one that try to eat Paimon. I really don't understand on why you think of her as food to you?

Desast: I don't know. When ever I see her, I just see food flying in front of me.

Paimon: But Paimon isn't food!

Desast: Keep telling yourself that kid, to me your food to me and if we're out of food, we go to plan p as pur last resort.

Paimon: Plan P?

Aether: Best you not know what plan P is.

Paimon is still confused but they reach a edge of a cliff and they see a large veiw of the land as they see many trees and mountains around. They also spotted what looks like a statue in the distance and on a small island in the middle of a lake.

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