Chapter 1: Wakey wakey eggs and bakey

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Tommy leaned over Luke's shoulder trying to get a good look at the drawing. Deo sat to Luke's right, and Bitzel sat to his left.

"I just don't know what it is, I just know it's bad," Luke said.

"How do you know it's bad?" Deo asked apprehensively.

"I could feel it when drawing it. It just wasn't," he paused, "I don't know man! Not good."

Tommy took the drawing from Luke's hands. It was one of his smudgy drawings, the future was never clear. Tommy bit his lip in concentration.

It was an image with three figures? Standing together he assumed. They all seemed to be looking in the same direction as some small flying bug. Now, Tommy wasn't the smartest, but it looked as if the bug was going towards some large tent.

Perhaps in an art museum people would revel over it. Try finding its underlying meaning.

But here, in this apartment, they only worried. Luke had an odd power. He could draw into the future. He tried to become a heroe, but no one could ever tell what the drawing actually meant. They deemed him useless.

Tommy stood up with the piece of paper.

"Let's not worry about it. Sure it means nothing," he laughed, "Time for bed boys! We got that interview tomorrow!"

Deo patted Luke's shoulder, going to his and Tommy's shared room. Bitzel ruffled Luke's hair before walking into their shared room.

Luke remained on the floor, a concentrated expression on his face. Tommy sat by him, folding his wings behind him.

"You alright, mate?"

Luke looked over at him, biting his lip, "Whatever it is is bad, Tommy. Really bad. It's weird though, one of my drawings has never been that blurry."

Tommy nudged his shoulder, "Well whatever it is, we'll get through together, yeah?"

Luke smiled and nudged him back. "Thanks."

Tommy stood up and held out a hand. Luke grabbed onto Tommy's hand and pulled himself up.

"Night," Luke said.

"Night Luke."

Tommy watched him walk into his and Bitzel's room. He dragged a hand down his face. He put the drawing in the folder full of Luke's drawing. As the leader it was his job to protect his boys, especially the youngest.

He looked over at their fridge, full of the non-prophecy drawings. He smiled, something soft. Tommy turned the lights out of the combination living room-kitchen.

He went into him and Deo's shared bedroom. He saw Deo sprawled out on his bed and let out a sigh. He shook his head as he walked over to his bed.

Tommy crawled under his covers, holding his cow plush to his chest. Tomorrow would be a stressful day. They were getting an interview to work at the local carnival. He could only hope he got to do something stunning. Tommy liked showing off, he liked the attention.

Tommy woke up to his alarm, the song, "Your New Boyfriend" by his favorite artist Wilbur Soot. Deo rolled over glaring at him.

"Why won't you ever change that?" Deo grumbled.

"It's art, Deo," Tommy said sleepily. He was biologically

a night hybrid, it wasn't his fault!

Deo rolled back over, starting his ten minute wake up routine. Tommy rolled his eyes before hopping out of bed, even if he hated the morning, it was his job as leader to wake them all up.

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