Detective Chimp

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Tommy was woken up to a rough shaking. He cracked his eyes open, blearily batting the hands away.

"Tommy, I swear to Glob, wake up!" Luke yelled.

"What?" He asked in a morning voice.

He saw someone bat Luke away in the corner of his eye.

"It's Puffy's store. The heroes are all busy up town. The Syndicate are threatening to blow up the surrounding area if the heroes don't give something up."

He registered Bitzel, with tears in his eyes. That shocked his night-owl brain into action.

He shot up and looked at the Tv. Helicopters circled McPuffy's, but no one was helping.

"We have to do something."

He heard Deo pacing behind the couch.

Tommy short circuited for a moment. He needed to get a grip on himself. He was their leader.

"Alright. Everyone put your suits on. Your different ties. Find something to cover your face.

Luke went to move, but Tommy blocked him with an outstretched hand.

"You can put your suit on, but I need you here. Focus, and try to get us intel, yeah?"

Tommy went off into his room, starting to change alongside Deo. He hears Luke follow him in.

"What if I read it wrong and get you killed? What if nothing comes to me and you need help. What if-"

"-What if nothing. I trust you, you'll be fine. Unless you wanna come out with us. Feel free, but I think you'd be more useful here."

"How does he communicate with us?" Deo asked as he slipped on a stupid Christmas hat.

"Remember when Bitzel bought me that gag spy kit?"

He watched them nod, slipping his suit top on.

"Turns out the earpieces actually work."

Tommy then watched Deo put on his black out sunglasses.



Tommy looked back at Luke, "what're you gonna do?"

"I'll stay. I'll go get my paper ready."

Tommy nodded with a proud smile as he watched him walk out. He started rummaging through his things to find a mask of any kind.

He felt a tap on his shoulder and turned around.

Deo was holding up a mask in the shape of moth wings. The first thing Luke ever gave him.

"Perfect!" He jumped to grab the mask. Then he snapped it onto his face, effectively hiding the upper half of his face.

"I need more. My hair?"

Deo tilted his head to look before grabbing a beanie from their shared closet.

"It'll do for now. We'll get you something better later. Let's go."

They ran out of their room to find Bitzel standing by the door, obviously antsy.

He was wearing his suit, with a bright dark blue tie. Like Tommy's red and Deo's orange. His face covering was a full monkey face mask.

"When did you make that!" Tommy scream-asked.

He rubbed a hand on his neck. "When I got sick that one week. I was also super bored."

"Right, yeah. Everyone put this in your ear. Hold it to speak."

Tommy passed the cheap communicators out. They all inserted them in their ears.

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