The First Battle

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Hello all! Sorry for being gone so lone, but I have a special gift of 2 chapters to hopefully make up for it. Life got super crazy, but I hope you enjoy


Tommy sunk into a fighting position he had watched in movies. He knew he would lose this fight, but if he could give his boys a chance to get past that was all that mattered.

The Blade tilted his head, reminding Tommy of a confused dog.

"C'mon kid, go sit down, and no one gets hurt."

"What about the hostage you have?" Tommy spat back.

The Blade seemed taken aback by Tommy knowing they had a hostage. "You asked for it then."

The Blade stretched his arms over his head, and cracked his neck. He didn't even bother to take his sword out; he was that confident.

"I did warn you."

Tommy's wings stretched out, ready to flee, but Tommy would not flee. He was the leader, and he would do anything to keep his boys safe. If only they got the memo to run.

"We do this together," Deo said from behind him.

Tommy grunted, but there was nothing he could do to stop him, so he tried for Bitzel.


Bitzel didn't budge. They were a team, and no one got left behind.

The Blade laughed, "What heroism. Let's stop now kids, save me some time."

"If you're so confident, it shouldn't take you that long," Tommy shot back.

"I like you kid. Shame I have to beat you into the afterlife."

The Blade started running towards them when a sharp, loud voice ran from behind them, "Everyone freeze."

Bitzel let out a frustrated groan. He never sat still. Tommy fought to get free again, but then he saw The Crowfather and froze.

He would rather not get eaten today. No thank you.

The Crowfather clapped his hands together, "Put them with the other, I'm done here the heroes aren't being fast enough. And Whisper, please unfreeze Blade."

Whisper rolled his eyes, but The Blade started moving again.

The Blade nodded his annoyed thanks and swept Deo and Bitzel back up, as Whisper grabbed him. As they got further and further from the Crowfther, Tommy relaxed into Whisper's arms.

"Not like the scary birdy?" Whisper asked knowing Tommy couldn't respond. "That's alright, I got you little bug."

Tommy tried to lunge away. He didn't like the sickly sweet voice Whisper took on, but he still couldn't move.

"Ah, ah. Can't have you break the spell. We're almost there."

He tried looking around, but he couldn't even do that. Worst of all he couldn't see his boys, and Luke had been completely silent.

Whisper went to put him down, and Tommy was able to see the black limo they were being put in.

"See, look, right by them." Whisper said as Tommy was nestled by his boys.

"Now, I'm going to unfreeze you, but you have to promise to play nice."

"I'll take that as a yes."

Tommy felt feelings come back to his limbs. Deo pointed to a woman with white, curly hair, and ram horns sticking from them.

Tommy felt a great amount of rage. They had Puffy. Puffy was the hostage.

Whisper climbed in beside him. "Don't worry, she hasn't been harmed, little hero."

He watched as Puffy relaxed into her seat, as if she too was under Whisper's spell.

Puffy took everyone in, and seemed to tense up upon seeing the villain.

Her eyes then swept to the young vigilantes. Recognition sparked in her eyes.

A hard glare found the villain again, one that made him wilt. Until the Crow father joined them in the back, his large wings folding behind his back.

Puffy's kind and gentle eyes found Tommy again.

She reached over to gently pat his knee. "To-"She instantly froze, realizing there was a reason he was masked.

"Clementine," Tommy quickly saved.

"Clementine, get away from that evil man." She patted the spot by her. She could not take these villains in a fight, but they would not get any closer to the boys.

As quick as Tommy could he went to the side Puffy was on. She wrapped a protective, motherly arm around him. It would have been embarrassing under normal circumstances, but now, in this moment, all he did was want to sink into her side.

The Crowfather tapped the roof of the car loudly, and it started to move.

"You dare take me from my own restaurant, and then you take these children," she took a breath, as if to calm herself, but it did not work. "Children!"

She tucked the hair that had escaped Tommy's beanie back under it.

Neither of the villain's answered.

"I suppose you should look out your window, miss Puffy."

Puffy looked out, but it all looked calm and peaceful. Except for the helicopters tailing them.

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