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Hi! No Tws for this chapter!


Tommy took a deap breath and clapped, "Alright boys, let's go!"

They all walked in, holding hands. The carnival was closed today, but that didn't mean they wanted to get lost.

They needed to look for the small guest relations building.

Bitzel started pulling them in one direction. Past and around many buildings and rides. To Tommy, this place looked more like a theme park, but he did like the ring of carnival.

The Las Nevadas carnival was a year-round carnival that never moved. Tommy hoped he and his boys could impress the owner enough to land a job.

They stopped outside a nasty, small purple building. Tommy squared his shoulder and led the way in. The little door forced them to drop each other's hands.

Walking into the building he saw a small reception area with a teenage boy sitting behind it. He looked bored out of his mind, and had antennae sticking from his head.

Tommy cleared his throat to get the boys attention. The boy looked up at him, with all four eyes, which made all his boys freeze.

They tried to know as much about hybrids as they could, but they've never seen a hybrid like that.

"We're closed." The boy stared back at them with his four eyes.

Deo was the one to speak, "Yeah, we know. Here for the interview."

The boy let out a dramatic sigh. "Names?"

He sat up straight, typing something into the computer beside him.





The boy went away typing stuff on his computer.

"Big Q will be out in a moment. Take a seat."

Tommy nodded their thanks and they walked over to the 6 chairs set out. Tommy leaned back in the chair.

"Remember, be respectful, say what you can do. Hopefully it goes well," he whispered.

"We got this, don't worry." Bitzel reassuringly bumped into his arm.

They all sat there in an awkward silence. He could see Luke curiously looking at the boy behind the reception counter.

"What's your name?" Luke asked.

The boy looked over, an annoyed expression painting his face.

"What's it to you?"

"Just, if we work here, we should get to know our coworkers," Luke said, calmly.

Luke was the best in these situations. The other 3 members would start a fight at that, but not Luke. Living with 3 of the biggest idiots on Earth taught him a thing or two of patience.

"Get the job. Then we talk," Purpled said, clearly amused.

Luke gave his boys a small, victorious smile.

Tommy rolled his eyes. Of course Luke, of all people, wanted to befriend the angsty four-eyed boy.

They all turned when a man walked in, he walked with a confident swagger, like he owned the place.

Tommy quirked an eyebrow up.

"Hello boys. I'm Big Q, ringmaster and owner of this here carnival."

Tommy watched from the corner of his eye Deo and Luke straighten up. He repressed a snicker and looked up at "Big Q."

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