Chapter Ten

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We spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon sunbathing until Nancy begged me to go into the ocean with her.

"Heidi, please! We can be mermaids together," she says and snatches my book out of my hand. I send her a glare at her man-handling my book with such aggression. I was going to say yes, anyway.

"Yes, fine. But only when you give me my book back and nicely," I bargain and she hands me my book back with a sweet smile, almost instantly. Placing my book under the protection of another towel, I allow her to grab my hand with her clammy one and drag me down towards the water.

My parents, Nico's parents, Vienna and Terrone continue their longwinded conversation as I finally seek refuge in the blue void we call our oceans.

"Be careful! Don't let Nancy go out too far," my mother calls from behind us and I scoff in utter dismay. You'd think she'd trust me by now but obviously not.

As we reach the shore, Nancy fiddles with her armbands, dragging them up her arms to make sure they're secure and in place. "I thought mermaids didn't need armbands?" I question and she throws me a pointed look.

"I'm a beginner mermaid... I won't need them when I am older," she crosses her arms before dipping her toes into the water.

"Ah, I see," I smile, following in her footsteps.

The water is like a bath, heated by the thick rays of the afternoon sun. Water so clear you can see for miles. Back home, you're lucky if you can even see your hand just below the surface on a sunny day.

"C'mon!" she cries as she drags me further into the water. I laugh as she splashes it my way and I return the generous gesture.

Due to the shallowness of the water, where we stand, we are both able to sit down whilst still having our heads above the surface. I wade my fingers through it, watching as it ripples. Each ripple crashes into the other like dominos and I find myself entranced.

"Do you like Vernazza?" I ask and she nods her head. "Should we have an underwater breathing contest?" I suggest and excitement floods her eyes.

"Yes!" Nancy plugs her nose with two fingers.

"Okay, on the count of three. One... two... three," I say, and we both dunk our heads under, the water rushing over my head and muting the sounds of laughter and chatter. I decide that it's only fair if I let her win, despite my competitiveness.

Coming up for air, I notice her still under and I laugh to myself before tapping her shoulder for her to know she's won. Nancy gasps for air and wipes at her eyes, trying profusely to get rid of the water. Not opening them until her pale skin is bone-dry.

"I win!" she shouts, and I nod my head.

I continue to amuse her for a while until my mother calls us back over. "You need some more suncream on, Nancy!" she shouts and Nancy groans before getting out and stalking back over to where everyone sits.

I trail behind her, the sand sticking to my wet feet. I visibly cringe at the feeling. There's nothing worse than sand after getting out of the water. Sand seems to get into places I never even knew possible.

Vienna dishes out some snacks she brought with her - several share bags of crisps and homemade sandwiches. "This is just to keep us going before dinner," she says as she throws a sandwich wrapped in foil my way and a bag of crisps.

"Thank you," I say as I unwrap the foil and take a bite. The delicious taste of Cajun chicken with lettuce and mayonnaise fills my mouth. I revel in the blend of flavours as I take another bite. "It tastes great."

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