Lollipop (Billy)

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A/N Bro I'm in love with Joe Quinn. I just watched Makeup and literally combusted.
Also this story is about Billy's super nice and cool identical twin with the exact same name and look. Mhm

Fit 🤪🤪

      "Fuck yeah

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     "Fuck yeah." I replied as my best friend Robin asked if I wanted to go swimming in Lovers Lake with her tonight. I was driving her to school because she doesn't have her license. We drove around the corner and we made it to school.
     I parked in my usual spot. Robin saw Vickie across the parking lot and she walked over to her. They were dating now like the girl bosses they are. I sighed and sat in my car. Billy was already in his normal spot across from my car.
     Usually, I would just sit and my car and admire his absolute DUMPY. Today, something felt different. Billy was on his hood smoking a cigarette. I kicked my feet up on the dashboard of my car. I grabbed lollipop and got out of the car.
     I was leaning against the hood as I sucked on the lollipop. Suddenly Billy sat on the hood next to me. I flinched. He chuckled. "Hey princess." He said with a small smirk. "Hey Loverboy." I said with the same smirk. He did that same stupid smirk. I bit my lip slightly, thinking if what he could do with me.
     Little did I know, he was thinking the same thing. "So what do you want?" I asked him. "I don't know you're the one staring at my ass everyday." I turned bright red. He smirked and laughed at my embarrassment.
     The bell went off and Billy got up. I got up as well and he pulled me close to him. I could feel his breath of my nose. He grabbed the lollipop out of my mouth and he put it in his. "Bubblegum, really." He said with a smirk before walking away.
     I scoffed and walked into the school. Robin met me at my locker and she looked sad. "Hey um I don't think that I can go to the lake tonight. Vickie kinda asked me on a date." She said while fidgeting her hands.
     "That's fine." I said with a grimace. She hugged me and said thank you like a million times. I pushed her off and went to my first class. Billy just happened to be in this class. Woohoo 😒.
He always sat in the middle row so he could see everyone. He was already sat down when I walked in. I was going to walk to my usual seat when he patted the seat next to him. I pointed at myself confused and he just nodded.
I sighed and sat next to him. "Hey princess." He said with a smirk. "Hey loverboy." I replied. He still had the lollipop in his mouth. I grabbed out my pen and notebook.
Halfway through the class, Billy did that dumb thing where he pretended to stretch and wrapped his arm around me. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He just smirked. I put my head in his shoulder and fell asleep for the rest of class.
I woke up to the teacher standing above me. "Detention both of you." He said angrily. I just smiled to Billy. We had our next few classes apart from each other.
Once lunch rolled around, I was excited to tell Robin about everything. I went into the lunchroom expecting her to be at our usual table but she wasn't there. I looked around again and Vickie was gone too. I sighed as I realized that she was having lunch with her somewhere else.
I sat at the table and poked my food around. I heard a loud smack of a lunch tray hit the table across from me. I practically jumped bout of my skin. I looked up to see a laughing Billy.
" You scared me half to death Loverboy." I scowled at him. There was still a lighthearted look in my eyes though. "Sorry Princess." He said with a sheepish look on his face.
I just rolled my eyes. "What are your plans tonight princess?" He said a smirk growing in his face. "I waaaas going to go to the lake but Robin's girlf- uh she's busy." I said accidentally almost outing Robin.
"Well did you want to maybe meet at the lake with me tonight?" He said with a small smile. "Sure. That sounds like a lot of fun." I replied with a small smile.
The rest of the day I was dreading detention. Billy kept shooting me small glances and smiles. Once the bell rang for the end of the day I groaned. I was walking to detection and Billy walked up behind me.
"Hey do you wanna skip. I don't want to go to detention." I looked at him and said, "Fuck yes." He brought me to my car and he opened the door for me. I got in and he started playing Rock Like a Hurricane and he nodded his head along. I smiled to myself.
We made it to the lake and no one was there. He grabbed out a blanket from his trunk. He set it on the shore and we sat down. We lied down on our backs and looked at the clouds. I found one that looked like a koala and he saw one that looked like a bear.
His hand went to my thigh and slowly moved up. I felt shivers go through my whole body. I bit my lip as his hand reached my pussy. His thumb went under my shorts and his thumb brushed over my clit. I moaned quietly.
He pulled my face to his. His lips were soft against mine. He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth. His tongue explored my whole mouth. He slowly climbed on top of me taking his hand out of my shorts.
He started to kiss me more aggressively and he put his hands under my shirt. He pulled it over my head breaking the kiss for a split second. In that same second I took his shirt off. He kissed me again and he unclipped the back of my bra. I helped him take it off and he kissed down my jaw.
He slowly kissed lower finding a sweet spot on my neck causing me to moan. He sucked on my neck causing a loud moan to escape my lips. He smirked on my neck.
     He kissed lower and reached my tits. He sucked on my right nipple and I moaned. He kept going lower leaving small hickeys everywhere. He made it to my waistband and yanked down my shorts and panties. I was completely soaked. His fingers found my clit again and I moaned. He licked from my pussy to my clit and he stuck his tongue in my pussy.
     I moaned loudly as his pace on my clit increased. His tongue started pumping in and out of me. I felt a pit forming in my stomach. " Fuck I'm about to c-cum." I moaned as I came in his mouth.
     "You taste so good baby." He whispered in my ear. His dick was already hard and he looked at me. He grabbed something out of a bag he brought down. He got out a condom and opened it. He put it on his dick and looked at me for consent. I nodded and he put his dick in my. I moaned out of pain and pleasure. He groaned as he let me adjust.
     I nodded again and he started to thrust in and out of me. His pace sped up and I moaned loudly. He moaned as his pace sped up. "Your pussy is so tight princess." I bit my lip in response.
     His pace continued to speed up and I turned into a moaning mess. I felt the pit forming again and I moaned. "I'm gonna cum again!" I practically screamed out. "Me too sweetheart." He said while thrusting.
     I felt my walls tighten on Billy's dick and I moaned loudly. The feeling of my orgasm caused him to reach his climax. He kept thrusting so we could ride out our highs. He pulled out and lied down next to me.
     We were both panting and I started to laugh. He started to do the same and we laughed until our chests hurt. We put our clothes back on and I snuggled into his chest.
     I fell asleep on his chest and woke up in a bed I didn't recognize. Billy was next to me with his shirt off. His body felt warm against my own. His breath was soft and relaxing as I fell back asleep.

1467 Words

This was horrible. It was originally two parts but I made it one 🤪

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