Chapter Thirty-One | Special Visitors

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After I informed my attendants, I was now allowing visitors, Machir was the first one to call upon me. When he saw me, his arms wrapped around me so tightly I winced at the pain it caused my still tender abdomen. He apologized profusely.

"You had me worried sick about you, Shebs."

I offered him a weak sympathetic smile.

"I'm just glad you are okay, now," He added after a moment of silence. "I cannot stay long, Sister. I will visit you again soon," He promised.

He made to leave, but I grabbed onto the sleeve of his blue tunic. I yanked him back before he could reach the door.

"Where are you going," I inquired.

"The King has commanded every able body to help him with a set of special projects he has proposed. That is all I know," He offered.

My eyebrows scrunched tightly together, my face contorting with curiosity.

"What kind of special projects?"

Machir shrugged. "All I know is he wants to make Jerusalem a place for education and the arts. That is all I was told."

He placed a quick peck on my forehead, his scratchy beard scraping against my skin. Then, he left without another word.

My next visitor came later in the afternoon. My face lit up instantly when I saw my dearest friend Abigail enter my chambers. She smiled at me sweetly and quickly made herself at home beside me on the chaise.

"Tell me of Zev," I commanded her. She nodded her head and inhaled deeply.

"Soldiers escorted him to the border at dawn this morning," She answered. "He is gone, Bathsheba, but he is safe."

I was relieved that he was alive but saddened by the fact that I would never see him again. Loyal friends were hard to come by. I was comforted by the fact that I had Abigail.

"I am not surprised Michal has not come to call," I admitted.

"Do not take it to heart, my dear. You remind her of her own pain, I think in a way. She has never been able to conceive. The King no longer visits her bed ever since you came to his. I think it is easier for her to blame you for that. Even though their relationship was strained long before you came. Everything changed when she was given to another in marriage by King Saul. David fought to get her back, but it was never the same between them."

Abigail looked away, eyes roaming outside the window. She looked lost in thought, consumed by memories perhaps.

"I should not have brought it up," I confessed, feeling insensitive. Abigail brightened immediately, realizing her countenance had dimmed from the dark direction the conversation had taken. She reached for my hand and squeezed it firmly.

"You are paling," she said, concernedly. "I have worn you out already."

We both giggled. She rose gracefully from the chaise, slowly releasing my hand.

"I will come visit you soon. Get some rest."

I nodded my head obediently. I was indeed weary from the company I received today. It was not long after she left that sleep came swiftly over me. I welcomed it.

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