Chapter Fifty- Nine | A Bold Request

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It's finally night time when I approach the King's chambers unannounced. The guards do not reprimand me, nor do they cast a sideways glance. They are used to my presence and are well aware of the special access I have to the King. I purse my bottom lip as I wait for them to open the magnificent doors. I have meticulously ruminated over the words I have wanted to say to him ever since I received that missive from Zev. The threats he warned me of have weighed heavily on my heart, and there is only one person who can ease my worry.

"David," I say, with a lack of formality I reserve only for him. He smiles instantly when he sees me.

"I did not summon you, is everything okay?"

He takes a few steps towards me, the smile fading slightly from his face, and eyebrows knitting together- as anxiety that perhaps something is wrong jolts through him. He grips my hands firmly in his whilst looking me over- as if searching for anything amiss in my appearance.

"I'm worried," I admit. His face softens as he looks down on me. He tugs at my hands, inviting me further into his chambers. Then, he seats me next to him on the edge of his bed.

"Tell me what worries you, my love," he coaxes.

I take a deep breath and exhale sharply.

"After everything happened with Absalom, I'm afraid for Solomon's future," I confess. "The future is so uncertain... You have many sons, David. All with a claim to your throne. How can I ensure that Solomon won't be killed in the aftermath of your death?"

I feel the tears beginning to well. With a gentle finger, he swipes at the droplet running its course down my cheek.

"I don't plan on dying anytime soon, dearest," He says, with a low chuckle. I recognize it is his attempt to lighten my mood. When he sees it does not have the desired effect, his face turns more serious.

"It is no secret that you are my most beloved wife. I would do anything to ensure Solomon's future. You know I love him deeply. What can I do to ease your fear, my love?"

My grip tightens on his hand. I savor the war worn calluses and scars on his hands, these same hands that slayed a giant, and defeated a King.

"Will you promise me something?"

"Anything. Ask me it- and it is yours, up to half of the kingdom!"

I raise his palm to my mouth, planting a gentle kiss in its center as I build up the courage I need to make this request. I know David loves me. And I know his love for me transcends to Solomon. But David has a lot of sons, older, stronger with envious eyes cast towards David's throne. Absalom is proof of it.

"Will you make Solomon your heir?"

The words weigh heavy in the air. For a long moment I can scarce breathe as I wait for his reply. Will he be angry I made such a bold request?

"You are bolder than most to make this request of me. Not even Michal was brazen enough to Ask me to make such a promise..."

My heart begins to thump wildly in my chest. It is almost too much to bear. Perhaps I was too rash. I should have waited for Zev to answer my reply. I should have taken time to strategize and plan for Solomon's ascension, instead of springing this on David so suddenly. I have been foolish, but what mother wouldn't act foolishly to ensure her child lives.

"It shows me how much you trust me. It shows me how far we have come, Bathsheba," He adds, as I cling to his every word.

"Will you?"

"I make you this promise, Bathsheba. As God as my witness, our son will sit on the throne. He is our miracle. Touched by God. I was the youngest and smallest of all my brothers. And yet God chose me for Samuel the Prophet to anoint as King. I see the same future for our son. Even before you asked this of me."

Warmth spreads through my entire being. A relieved smile takes shape on my lips. I lean in closer towards David. Our foreheads touch, and we stay like that for a long moment, hands still clasped together.

"If he is anything like his father, he will be a great King," I say.

His lips capture mine. His love pours inside of me, with every gentle swipe of his tongue on mine. He pulls away just enough to speak. I feel his breath against my lips as he says, "And if he is anything like his mother, he will be wise, bold, and kind."

I give him a quick peck. "I love you, my King."

He responds by pulling me into his lap. He lavishes me with deep, passionate, breathless kisses. I gasp for air when he pulls away. 

"I love you more."

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