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with a groan of irritation and unease red son sat up and began rubbing his temples, waking up with a yawn and a horrible headache

with a painful squint, she looked around in confusion, trying to understand what could have caused the cranial pain, they couldn't remember anything, he couldn't even recall going to bed

regardless red son got up and decided to get something for his head and if his parents were in a good mood, ask what happened yesterday to gather his bearings

gathering his large fluffy red dressing gown and slippers he began to leave

only for a rumble to be felt throughout her entire castle

"Woah!" they couldn't help but exclaim as she held onto his doorframe for balance

"Are we under attack?" Red son questioned out loud, ignoring the pain in his head and running straight to his parent's room to alert them if they hadn't awoken already

"mother father!" Red son announced as he banged on the door

At once the door opened with a powerful gusto, wiping his face with the powerful winds

His strong and intimidating mother looking at him with the usual observing face that sent chills down red son's spine, even if his mother was getting better after the LBD incident he couldn't help but still feel unease

"Mother, apologies for waking you so ear-" Red son continued to state only for his face to be cupped and risen by a....gentle hold?

"ah my sweet helpful son, how did you sleep" PIF greeted as if she hadn't heard a word he said

Red son blinked and paused where she stood

"wut?" they asked as his mother, instead of pushing him away by his face, simply let go to allow him to stand

"Are you feeling well my child, you seem confused" she continued to ask, about to place the back of her hand against his head before taking a step back

"no, no, I slept fine, are you...feeling ok," Red son asked as he examined her

"Never better, especially after what you did yesterday," Princess Iron fan said with praise

Red son blinked once more, at a complete loss

"I did something, that you're proud of?" Red son continued with more confusion

his mother gave her another look before leading them to the nearest window

"of course you did, after all, it isn't every day a son gives their parents the entire world to conquer" PIF announced as she opened the windows

only to reveal the world covered in their families symbol, red, purple and fire covering the entirety

"I...did this?" Red son whispered in disbelief

"Indeed, but you must still be recovering if you can't remember" his mother answered as she once more showed empathy and compassion for her son's wellbeing

it was very unnerving to see his mother of all people acting so...nice

but if what she said was true, then maybe he actually had done the impossible

making his parents proud

"Come now, your father is making breakfast, we shouldn't keep him waiting" PIF sang, his wind powers swirling to commence

"" Red son questioned sceptically

"yes, that odd," Her mother asked with her back behind him as the wind died back down

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