alternative upbringing

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In the distance of a hidden mountain, the figure of the great sage equal to heaven could be seen walking tiredly yet determinedly, holding a squirming blanket and emitting screams of anguish in his arms

Sun Wukong wished to calm the baby's sorrows, but no words of comfort came to mind

after what happened, he wasn't sure he could

instead,, he held the little figure close, allowing them to pull at his fur for comfort and to cry, he deserved to listen to his pain

he deserved to feel guilty

a rustle in the wind took the monkie king out of his wallowing thoughts

the sky becoming darker with a purple tinge

Wukong knew who it was immediately, and held the being in his hands closer, the cries erupting louder and a bright light reflecting upon the monkies fur, singing the fur slightly as the light was shown to be embers

Wukong however was more concerned about the unamused individual who appeared before him

"Wukong" The mysterious monkie called with a look that could kill

"macaque" Wukong replied back with his own stare, only this one looking more like a warning

macaque gave a more sympathetic look to the bundle of blankets before Wukong caught his staring and did his best to keep it out of the other monkies sight

"Don't even think about it" Wukong growled

"what could I imagine doing that's worse than what you've done," macaque asked with a sneer, slowly walking towards the monkie king

the blanket was growing warmer, like an oven, but Wukong would rather go against Quan yin than let the child go

"This wasn't the plan" Wukong stated, almost desperately

"pfft wouldn't put it past you" macaque chuckled evilly as he stopped just in front of the monkie king, staring practically in his face

"you really think I'm going to let you walk away like this, raising him like your own, the very being who locked his parents away?" macaque questioned and growled, stressing the important facts that Wukong still grieved

"I have a responsibility, to make up for my mistakes" Wukong merely replied

"HA! Thats rich coming from you of all people" macaque was quick to retort

"what do you want from me?" Wukong asked stupidly

"it's not you who I want" macaque answered regardless

"no" Wukong stated as he held the child closer, about to boost off if macaque didn't grab his shoulder

"you don't have a choice" macaque stated with an evil smirk

and so the tense conversation turned into a heated fight

Wukong couldn't fight as best he could without his staff and screaming child, and for macaque he was definitely pulling his punches, doing all he could to ensure he would not hurt the now-revealed child, blankets falling to the floor and the fire he emitted was growing and growing

it was actually due to red son that the fight had to cease

the child's emotions powering his abilities as the heavenly devil fire was too much for the two monkies to stand

Wukong placed the child gently in a cool stream close by it was only slightly able to quieten the flames

it also allowed the two monkies a breather and another attempt to talk

"Have you even just considered simply letting DBK, your sworn brother and my sworn sister Iron fan go? you remember what hell it was like for you under that mountain, now think of how worse it is for terrified parents" macaque sighed as he did his best to calm down, not wishing to upset the now sniffling baby in the bubbling brook

Red son's side was being held by wukong as the baby's attention was now on the scolding water, but to him it was simply fun bath time, splashing with growing giggles, the monkies unable to smile at the sound

"I can't, celestial orders" Wukong sighed as his first smile of the day was quickly wiped away

macaque growled at the mere mention of the superior being, but eyes softened at the sight of the gold crown upon the monkies head that would cause immense pain to control the monkies behaviour, using the king's crown against him, it caused resentment to Tripitaka who had no regret with causing him pain although he was meant to be a peaceful monk and hated violence

so with a sigh macaque intimidating demeanour died down, reverting their surroundings to a more approachable sight before sitting among the monkie king and baby fire demon, more so not to scare the little firelight

"Well, I swore to my sister I would look after red son if anything happened to her, and you're clearly dead set on keeping your own sort of promise so how about we work together on this" macaque suggested

Sun wu-kong looked at him in shock

under any other situation, he would have bantered and joked at the mere proposal of having the legendary 6 eared macaque willingly offer to take care of a child together

especially with the grown resentment that the two had portrayed

but he was tired

so very tired, the guilt of what he had done was overwhelming

the two monkies knew without telling each other that the monkie king wouldn't be able to remove the staff even if he wanted to, if he dared try it would alert the superior and block the action, and sun wukong would be sent with so much pain he would not be able to stand, and macaque was unfortunately not "worthy" to lift the staff, no matter how much he pretended, the soldier could never achieve what only a king could do

they would only have to wait for a miracle

but for now, the king was in no position to decline such help

"yeah" Wukong agreed tiredly

macaque offered his hands to hold the child

bitterness seeming to disappear

"I'm not going to run off" macaque promised

"I know" Wukong stated as he lifted the toddler from the water, using the blanket to dry the redhead, who was now much calmer

"And I would simply follow you" Wukong added

"so nothing new" macaque laughed

"speak for yourself shadow stalker" Wukong chuckled lightly, unable to give it his full energy

just because they agreed on something doesn't mean everything was ok, they would not forget, but from this day forward they would try and make this work,

and so the three made their way to flower fruit mountain

to raise their nephew as best they could before a miracle could come

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