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Nezha waited with a tired growl upon the stairs to his temple, two identical lions standing guard to each side as he waited for his guests to arrive

his invited guests were

the one rudely swishing his tail too close to his face and crunching loudly and purposely had been a very (not so) happy surprise

"Why so glum Nezha? thought you'd be happy to have some company once in a millennium" Wu-kong laughed lazily

"You are the type of company that I do not need today" Neza replied as he was debating the options of chopping off the monkies tail

"Ow, but ignoring the horrible and mean comment of my awesome self, what makes today so special?" Wu-kong questioned as this perked his interest

only to be answered when a large gust of wind and a heavy impact to the ground alerted them of a presence

or that three

"third lotus prince" the calm commanding voice of Princess Iron Fan declared making their entrance, only to be stopped by the sight of another being

"Sun Wukong" the cold voice of the demon bull king announced with a snare

"heeyyyy what is up dbk, wasn't expecting you to stop by," Wukong asked with a banter-like and surprised tone

"you say that as if this is your home" PIF chuckled with fake amusement

"nah, just thought I'd hang around with Nez" Monkie King chuckled as he slouched further into where he was sitting

"then perhaps we should go out another time" DBK quipped as he was about to turn around before a gurgle and yawn came from his palm

alerting all to the final being within the area

movement was made from his hand and soon a little head poked up with tired confusion

"aww is that little Red son" Wukong cooed as he changed into a bird for a brief moment and landed on DBK's shoulder, he was about to poke the child's cheeks, only to be fanned away by the demon princess who was standing on her husband's other shoulder

"ignore him, I assure you both that regardless of Wukong's presence I will be able to take care of your son, no need to cancel plans" Neza assured

"DBK! I'm hurt, AGAIN! I am your brother! I should be the first one to ask to babysit" the monkie king whined with a jealous pout

"yes because responsibilities are the first thing we think of when it comes to you" PIF murmured with a roll of her eyes

"aw come on, I'm totally responsible!... when I need to be, please! I never get to spend time with my ONLY nephew, sides, stick in the mud here will make sure we follow all the rules and stuff "the monkie king stated as he pulled the lotus prince into a side hug, who quickly shoved him straight of

the couple looked at each other, sharing a brief look at their child before sighing

"fine, if you believe you are up to the task" DBK stated as he gave the child to his wife who slowly and hesitantly gave her child to the monkie, halting quickly to give a glare and warning straight into his face

"but I will make this clear, if I come back to see anything wrong with my son during our absence, even a singular hair out of place, for the rest of your eternity I will ensure will be filled with stronger hurricanes neither mortals, demons or even celestial beings have been known to exist" PIF threatened, a hurricane hurtling in her eyes as her husband glared dangerously, very much on his wife's side if anything were to happen to their precious offspring

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