Meetings ( filler)

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Muichiro meets Baji and Chifuyu -

' Its only 1:14....' Muichiro decided it was best to stroll around Japan and let her feet lead her to wherever they want. Its not like she cared where she was heading.

Right now she was in some random park having no clue where the heck she was. " I should have brought Monkey...he's good with this kind of stuff." Muichiro mumbled, referring to her fellow division captain Tengen Uzui as 'Monkey.'

She looked around the park observing everything. From the sakura trees to every single blade of grass. Nothing was interesting to her or screaming for her interest. But life always likes to prove people wrong.

" YOU BITCH I'LL BURN YOU ALIVE!" A loud voice roared.  " BAJI-SAN STOP!" Muichiro turned in the direction of where the voices where coming from.

A boy with beautiful black hair who was not to far from her was beating the shit out of some random stranger at the fountain the park had. A blonde boy was trying to get him to stop.

Narrowing her eyes at them Muichiro shrugged her shoulders. " They do look fun..." She thought. Though she kept her eyes trained of the black haired boys hair. Anyone would admit that its gorgeous at first sight. 


' Nevermind.' Muichiro looked at them with a dull expression. In her mind it was foolish to beat someone up for such a reason. Now if it was simmered radish with sweet miso it would be a different case.

Muichiro continued to watch the boy beat the hell out of the stranger, for her it was sort of entertaining like a tv show or something, perhaps an anime at best. It was only a few more bones cracking later till his sharp brown eyes locked with her large dull mint ones. ( Which were still focused on his hair.'

" What are you staring at?" He demanded turning around while wiping the blood of the soles of his feet onto the ground. His question only received a shrug in response. 

Angrily he walked in her direction with his friend yelling his name behind him. " You staring is pissing me off."

Muichiro narrowed her eyes at the male. " Your gorgeous hair is pissing me off, what do you use? I need to tell Sanemi, his hair is shit, he looks like a fucking pomeranian or something."

The boy looked confused so the other one piped up from behind him. " Soap." Muichiro nodded in response. " Thanks."

Baji glared at the girl, somehow he forgot about his peyoung yakisoba and anger, this girl was different. And not in a good way. Her aura was different, it radiated power and authority. Squinting his eyes he looked at her. 

" You look for meal your..."

Muichiro looked up at him in pure confusion. She turned towards his friend. " Does he speak a different language?" 

Chifuyu only sighed. " He means familiar..." Nodding Muichiro turned back.

" You also look for meal your." Chifuyu looked at them with a sweat drop. ' Their almost the same person, not in personality but in communication!'

" Baji Keisuke!" He yelled pointing proudly at himself. 

" Chifuyu Matsuno." The blonde flashed her a small grin, Muichiro felt her heart flutter slightly from cuteness. Deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down she wanted to hug and squish the life out of him

" Muichiro Tokito."

Not waiting for anything else Baji pointed at her, like she was chosen to do something legendary. " Do you like peyoung yakisoba?" He yelled loudly, his eyes narrowed at her. 

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