Trust or no

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Izana and his friend Kakucho introduced themselves kindly and and smiled at Muichiro acting all friendly ( Though Kakucho seemed uniterested) they tried to make friends. But like any normal person Muichiro was suspicious. 

She remembered in a movie she watched with Yuichiro that when the main charecter was suspicious of someone they would question the suspect. And that's what she did.

"  Why did you come to my apartment? You could have gone to  the first apartment on the first floor, it would be much faster no?" she started. Her eyes gleamed and her heart sped up, she was kinda happy pretending to be a person you saw on television.

Kakucho looked away while Izana still had the same smile on his face. " Well turns out your apartment number is my lucky number!" he even let out a forced giggle at the end. And from movies you know a giggle is very and I mean VERY suspicious.

Squinting her eyes even more Muichiro started once more. " And why are you outside in the first place, shouldn't you be home?"

This seemed to hit a nerve, Izana's smile became strained and Kakucho's faded completely. 

" Orphans." Izana stated with that one word the atmosphere slightly changed. Quietly Muichiro shifted her feet and mumbled " I know how you feel..." this caused the duo to look at her with slight shock.

" My brother has been raising me for as long as I can remember, my shitty memory doesn't help with the fact that I want to remember my parents." 

It was all quite after that, 3 teens in the middle of a hallway stayed silent. No one daring to say a word. 

' Yui-nii would be mad if I turned them down so I got no choice, I have no idea why the heck they're even outside the apartment but whatever.' Muichiro was having an inner conflict with her mind, whether she should let Izana and Kakucho in to stay or do nothing.

Letting out a sigh she looked at the two. " Why are you guys even waiting here?" Kakucho began to play with his own hands while Izana's smile returned once more, it was still creepy though.

" We ran away from the orphanage because they were going to seperate us, so we sneaked away and it kinda backfired. We're looking for a place to live?" beads of sweat slightly rolled down Kakucho's face.

He felt bad for using Muichiro but he had no choice, because no matter what he was following Izana. 

With another sigh Muichiro gave in. " Fine, but warning I have a loud ass brother who's coming tomorrow from the hospital."

And there Muichiro now has roomates, wait till Yuichiro hears about this.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeskip to 11:50 AM brought to you by my stupid thoughts. But fr if you say, YOU SCARED ME HALF TO DEATH TWICE. What comes after? R u dead? U gonna meet Ryuk or something?

Izana and Kakucho settled on the couch, Muichiro even gave them nicknames, Kaku and Iza since saying the entire thing is tiring. Kakucho even seemed to blush when Muichiro used the nickname on him, maybe it gave him memories or something.

Now, with Izana and Kaku sleeping, Muichiro decided it was best for her to sneak out to the Musashi shrine, where Mikey said for her to come.  She wore all black clothes and wore a sweater to keep her warm, a black mask was on her face to hide her identy.

Was she excited? No, but she was happy for joining a new gang? Yep, it made her happy thinking that Amane would come crawling back to her feet begging to join back, her ego grew slightly larger thanks to the influence of Tengen and her brother.

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