The calm before the storm

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I know in fallen kingdom the auction and the Dinos getting kidnapped from Isla Nublar happened on the same day in the movie but in this book a storm delayed the ship transporting the dinosaurs so the ship arrived a day later.

Ripper's pov
Today started out like any other day a very loud and annoying noise waking me up followed by bright lights blinding me. After I woke up someone came and gave me a goat to eat. After I finished I waited for the test that the humans usually do to test my scales but surprisingly nothing came, I thought they trying to trick me and catch me of guard, I was tense the rest of the day.

3rd person pov
Meanwhile abroad the ship Claire, Owen, Zia, and Franklin are in Blue's cage discussing the next course of action.
Owen: How is she doing Zia?
Zia: She lost a lot of a lot of blood and needs a transfusion.
Franklin: Where are we supposed to get blood from a T-Rex?
Zia starring at Franklin: Yes.
Franklin looking visibly concerned: Oh.
Claire: Owen and I can get the blood.
Zia: Here you're gonna need this [hands them a needle and blood bag]
Claire: Thanks we'll be as quick as possible. {Owen and Claire make their way to the T-Rex cage and Franklin goes and hides somewhere }

I should have put this at the start of this chapter but it slipped my mind so I am putting it here
[] = action
{} = multiple actions being done at once
() = someone thinking to themselves
Random character name: = someone talking, this is for both 3rd person pov and 1st person ' pov but for the 1st person pov the pov of the character the pov is for like Ripper's pov Ripper will not have the, Ripper: beans. If this is confusing I'm sorry but when you get to a 1st person pov  it will make more sense hopefully again sorry if this is confusing.

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