The Escape Part one

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3rd person pov
Auctioneer: Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the auction, up first is a triceratops, starting bid 10,000.
Buyer 1: 11,000.
Auctioneer: 11,000 do I hear 12,000.
Buyer 2: 14,000.
Auctioneer: 14,000 do I hear 15,000.
Buyer 3: 20,000
Auctioneer: 20,000 do I hear 21,000, going once going twice, sold to lad in the front row.
Auctioneer: next is a Stegosaurus, starting bid is 15,000.

Cut to Owen and Claire
Claire: any ideas on how to get out of here.
Owen: I have one idea bear with me
Claire: what are you thinking?
Owen: there is a Stiygimoloch on the other side of this wall I might be able to get it's attention and get it to break the wall and door.
Claire: well it's worth a shot.
Owen: [Whistles to the stiygimoloch]
The stiygimoloch then breaks the wall and the door to the cell and runs off.
Claire: wow that actually worked.
Owen: I know right anyway let's get going.
As Claire and Owen are running they run into to Maisie who recognizes them as Owen and Claire.

Cut to Y/n at just leaving the gun range
Y/n: Today was a good day to go to the shooting range.
Best Friend: yeah and that 5 bullseyes in a row dude where did you learn to shoot.
Y/n: Don't know I've always be this good.
Best friend: nah man you had to learn somewhere.
Y/n: I'm telling you I've always be good.
[Y/n's phone starts ringing]
Y/n: huh oh it's my Therapist, hey man I got to take this I'll see you later.
Best friend: it's fine see later.
[Y/n answer their phone and gets in the car]
Y/n: Hey.
Therapist: Hello y/n I am calling you to info you that our session tonight will have to be moved to a couple days later if that is ok with you.
Y/n: that's fine with me.
Suddenly there is a loud roar that sounds like a dinosaur over the phone
Y/n: is everything ok sounds like something is angry.
Therapist: don't worry about it everything is fine.
Y/n: Ok well l'll talk to you in a couple of days.
[hangs up]
Y/n: we'll that was weird.
Ripper's pov
Ripper:[ roaring] Ow you damn humans and your sick twisted minds and you with the phone, lying asshole.

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