On the run

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Ripper: I think we are far enough away.
Blue: We should keep moving just in case.
Y/n: Good idea.
Blue: Where to now?
Y/n: Well I was kinda expecting them to come back at some point so I made a cabin at the Sierra Nevada mountains so we should probably head there.
Ripper: wait you were expecting them to come?
Y/n: Yes and No, I was suspecting that they might come but not today.
Ripper: Oh.
Blue: Where to?
Y/n: This way.
Ripper and blue start to follow Y/n
Ripper: So Y/n how have you been doing?
Y/n: Fine how about you.
Ripper: Well other than being stuck in a lab for most of my life I'm fine.
Y/n: What happened to you after they separated us?
Ripper: I got more aggressive and I felt depressed  since you were gone.
Y/n: Well if it makes you feel any better a year before I left to live outside the lab I killed around 28 people.
Ripper: Nice they definitely deserved a it.
Y/n: Yeah I don't remember it to well though.
Blue: Wasn't expecting hear that.
Y/n and Ripper: *chuckles*
4 hours later
Y/n: *yawns* I think we have should stop and get some sleep guys.
Blue: *yawns* I agree I can barely stay awake.
Ripper: Same.
The group decides to find a place to sleep for the night
Ripper: This is a good spot if any.
Blue: Good I don't think i can stay awake any longer.
Y/n: You can say that again.
Blue and Y/n fall asleep but Ripper is still awake and Blue notices.
Blue: Ripper why are you still up?
Ripper: I am not that tried.
Blue: Ripper come on you are tried as hell I can see it in your eyes.
At this point Y/n wakes up but pretends to be asleep as to not interrupt the conversation
Ripper: No I am not.
Blue: Your afraid of losing Y/n again aren't you?
Ripper: .....
Blue: It's ok to be afraid.
Ripper: Yes I am it's the first time I have seen them in years and those bastards want to take them back.
Blue: No one is going to take Y/n not if I have anything to say about it.
Ripper: Ok.
Blue: *gives Ripper a kiss* Now go to sleep.
Y/n seeing the kiss
Y/n: (He is lucky to have met her)
Ripper: [goes to lay down next to Y/n]
Blue: [goes back to sleep]

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