The Journey to Y/n house

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Blue: Hey Ripper I think we should stop for now it's getting dark.
Ripper: Why we can see just fine besides the sooner we get to Y/n house the better.
Blue: I know that but I am getting pretty tired and I would imagine you are to.
Ripper: No I am not [lets out a big yawn] ok fine we can stop.
Blue: Thank you.
Both Ripper and Blue find a spot to sleep as they start to fall asleep Blue notices Ripper is shivering.
Blue: Hey Ripper are you ok?
Ripper: Yeah I'm fine.
Blue: you sure cause you look cold.
Ripper: I'm fine.
Blue: God you are just as stubborn as Delta.
Blue gets up and lays next to Ripper.
Ripper: Hey I said I was fine.
Blue: I know but I don't care.
Blue lays her head down on Ripper's chest
Blue: This is nice you make a great pillow.
Ripper: Yeah Yeah [blushes a little at Blue' comment] just go to sleep already.
Blue: Ok pillow [starts to sleep]
Ripper:( did she just call me pillow and that made me blush, god I think I starting to fall for her)
Cut to Y/n
Y/n: Man that dilophosaurus was not playing around, How am I going to explain this to the police.
Y/n: Wait I can just tell them that I used a knife let me just get some blood on the blade and I should be good.
10 minutes later
Cop: So what happened exactly?
Y/n: I was unloading the back of my car when I heard a noise coming from that bush and I went to investigate.
Cop: And that's when the dilophosaurus popped out of the bush?
Y/n: Yes.
Cop: What happened after that?
Y/n: It tried to blind me with its venom but I blocked to, Then it jumped on me and then tried to bite me but I was able to overpower it but then it bit my arm, after it bit me I pushed it back and then it tried to spit the venom again but I was able to get in close and slit its throat with my knife.
Cop: You said it bite you right?
Y/n: Yes
Cop: Do you need medical attention,
Y/n: No but it would be good to have a professional look at it.
Cop: Ok [turns on radio] dispatch send some paramedics we got a bite wound.
Dispatch: Roger that sending paramedics.
Another 10 minutes later
Paramedic: Ok let's have a look at this wound, Uhhh?
Y/n: Something wrong?
Paramedic: No the wound it's pretty much gone only a small scar.
Y/n: What?
Paramedic: Guess you heal really fast.
Y/n Guess so.
Cut to Blue and Ripper.
Blue wakes up to see Ripper curled around her
Blue: He looks so cute sleeping.
Blue: Hey Ripper get up.
Ripper: huh wha what's going on?
Blue: Get up we need to get going we are almost to Y/n house.
Ripper: We are? Well why didn't you say so?
Blue: My god.
Ripper: Come on.
Blue: Yeah I am coming.

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