Blue: Ripper!
Ripper: Yeah!
Blue: You ok you zoned out there.
Ripper: Yeah just remembered something.
Blue: What is it?
Ripper: I don't want to talk about it.
Blue: It's a bad memory is it?
Ripper: Yeah it is.
Blue: It's ok you don't have to talk about.
Ripper: Thanks Blue.
Blue and Ripper turn around to see a scientist and some mercenaries.
Ripper: [looking at the scientist] YOU I SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS LONG AGO.
Ripper runs at the scientist and mercenaries killing the mercenaries and leaving the scientist alive.
Ripper: I ain't killing you yet.
Ripper bits on his arm and drag the scientist to the file they found and begins questioning him.
Ripper:[dips the end of his claw in a pool of blood and underlines the words location and subject 2] Where are they?
Scientist: Holy shit Wu made you smarter then I thought.
Ripper: [roars at him] ANSWER THE QUESTIONS!
Scientist: I don't know
Ripper:[Rips his hand off] Where are they?
Scientist:[screaming in pain]
Ripper: guess you are losing the other hand. [goes to bit his hand off]
Scientist: wait I'll tell you, they are living outside of Orick it is just a mile and a half southwest of here.
Ripper: Good.
Ripper then bits the scientist head and crushs it a bit.
Ripper: Come on Blue let's leave before more show up.
Cut to Y/n at work
Y/n: can't wait for my shift to be over.
Coworker: come it's not that bad only a few people have come in today.
Y/n: I know it's been boring today, I just wanna to go home.
Coworker: Hey look at the TV.
Y/n: Why?
Coworker: News is talking about dinosaurs on the mainland.
Y/n: What?
Y/n turns to look at the TV to see the news doing a story about how the Dinosaurs from Lockwood manor have been released and roaming the mainland.
Y/n: What the hell?
Coworker: Hey don't you live not to far from Lockwood manor?
Y/n: yeah I hope no raptors ended up living in my backyard.
Cut back to Ripper and blue
Blue: What the hell was that?
Ripper: What was what?
Blue: The way you killed that scientist and the way you questioned him.
Ripper: He had it coming besides how else was I supposed to get him to talk.
Blue: That was still fucked up even for me.
Ripper: When we readed the file we found it brought back some memories one of those was an experiment lead by that scientist.
Blue: What happened?
Ripper: They were experimenting to see what would happen if the kid was injured I ended going on a rampage and killing several people but not as much as I wanted to kill that scientist the most.
Blue: They hurt the kid just to see your reaction.
Ripper: Yeah.
Blue: Do you remember their name?
Ripper: It's still a little fuzzy but i think it was y/n
Cut to Y/n returning home.
Y/n: Man I am glad to be home just got to unload the trunk.
Something is stalking Y/n in the Bushes.
???:[makes noise]
Y/n: The hell [goes to the bush]
Dilophosaurus:[pokes it's head out of the bush] Chips.
Y/n:[jumps back] Woah, what are you huh your kind cute.
Dilophosaurus:[shows frills and starts making noise]
Y/n: Shit
Dilophosaurus:[spits venom at Y/n]
Y/n:[covers their face with their arm]
Dilophosaurus:[ jumps on Y/n and try's to bit him]
Y/n starts fighting back and manages to overpower the dilophosaurus but not before it manages to get a bit on their arm cause Y/n to get angry and their arm starts turning black and scaley and their hands turn to claws and their E/c eyes turn Red and a tail begins to form.
Y/n: Huh haven't felt like this since the lab
Dilophosaurus:[ gets ready to spit again]
Y/n: Not again
Y/n runs up I to the dilophosaurus and forces it mouth close and slits it's throat causing it to die.
Y/n:[turning back] God damn that was crazy.
722 words this has to be the longest chapter I have ever made, Well hope you are enjoying the story.

The Hybrids (reader insert)
FanfictionA story about Y/n and Ripper the Indoraptor and your life from your creation to your meeting for the first time (this is my first book so don't expect it to be the best) I don't own any of the characters from Jurassic world those belong to Universal...