Fight Fest

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Aphelion and Vellex dropped out of hyperspace. Flying side by side, the pilots see the obstruction in their path: the Voron Asteroid Belt. It's to dangerous to warp-fly through asteroid belts, so they have to manually maneuver through it.

"Alright guys," Jase spoke to Ratchet and Clank via comms. "Just a quick pass through here and then one last jump to Mukow."

"Sounds simple enough." Ratchet responded.

Suddenly, the view screens in both ships began to flicker and change to a new symbol, one that made Jase's eyes go wide:

Suddenly, the view screens in both ships began to flicker and change to a new symbol, one that made Jase's eyes go wide:

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'Oh no. No... no... no...' he thought to himself.

The screens then flickered again, this time showing a face of a robot:

"Ahoy there, young scallywags! This be Cap'n Slag, scourge of the galaxy! Surrender your vessel, or be cast to the depths of the universe!"

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"Ahoy there, young scallywags! This be Cap'n Slag, scourge of the galaxy! Surrender your vessel, or be cast to the depths of the universe!"

With that, the transmission was cut. While Ratchet and Clank quickly processed the new threat, Jase to a brief moment to think. The Space Pirates... anyone who lives in Polaris knows about them. Those grog-drunk decadroids been attacking and looting ships and cities across the galaxy for as long as Tachyon has been in power.

"Jase." Ratchet's voice came over comms. "What's happening."

"Space Pirates. We have to shake them in the asteroid field."

"Copy... hang on Clank."

With that, the two ships began to rapidly approach the asteroid field. As they were moving in, a small fleet of pirate starships and and a wave of fighters began converging on them.

"Hostiles approaching." Vellex spoke  "Weapons primed."

The Space Pirate ships were right on top of their position. The weapon system came online, and immediately taking the chance, Jase fired back against the pirate fighters. Ratchet had the same idea, because at the exact same time, he fired back with Aphelion's weapons.

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