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(Hey guys, between this chapter and the last one, something major happened in my life. Exactly one month prior to the posting of this chapter, I graduated from college. It's been pretty hectic the past few months, but I've been slowly working on the chapters.

To be completely honest with you: I don't have any really time table on the chapter postings, but they ARE being worked on. I will get them out as soon as I can.

I also want to thank all of the readers who have liked the story so far. Seriously... thank you guys.)


"Hey!!" A light voice reached Jase's ears. This caused him to stir against his crash-induced slumber.

"Hey!!!" The voice came louder. This was accompanied by a feeling of being shook.

Jase finally managed to open up his eyes. At first, he was blinded by the light. But then his eyes adjusted to his surroundings. He was leaning against a rock, in what looked like a destroyed city. Straight ahead of him, he saw Vellex, in an impact crater, not too far away from what appears to be a ship of a similar model.

"Excuse me... but are you alright?" A polite voice spoke to him.

Jase turned to his left and saw a small robot with green eyes.

"Ugh...what happened? How long was I out."

"Not too long... You're ship crashed. We got you out." The robot explained.


Jase then look to his right, and saw something that he never expected to see; it was a yellow Lombax. This caused Jase to go wide eyed. He couldn't believe it. Jase thought he was the only Lombax in Polaris. He never met another one. But now, another member of his race, standing right in front on him.

"Whoa..." He stuttered. "You're... You're...."

Ratchet put up his hands in a manner meant to calm him down.

"A Lombax... like you." He says holding up his hands to calm him down.

"I'm Ratchet, and this is Clank." He says, gesturing to his robotic best friend with his left hand.

After briefly looking at Clank, Jase turned back, slowly extended his hand and shook Ratchet's.

"I'm Jase." the brown Lombax replied. "Sorry for stuttering, it's just... I've never met another Lombax before."

Smiling, Ratchet helps pull Jase back up onto his feet. As he was pulled up, Jase then took the opportunity to slowly reach out and grab the sides of Ratchet's face. He was gently pulling and squishing it, trying to make sure that it was not a mask or something along those lines.

"Uhhh... what are you doing?" Ratchet asked during this rather bizarre occurrence.

Jase, upon realizing what he was doing, quickly left go of Ratchet's face and began rapidly apologizing.

"Oh man, I'm sorry I just... I wanted to make sure you were... Sorry." Looking down in embarrassment. The first time he meet an actual Lombax, he goes and does this.

Normally, Ratchet would be annoyed at this, but he went with it, considering Jase just survived a crash landing and probably had a mild case of shell shock.

"It's ok." Ratchet reassured him, holding out his hand again for Jase to shake, which he accepted.

While shaking Ratchet's hand, Jase briefly grimaced as he felt a stinging sensation on his forehead.

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