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"Come on Harry, you should come. People need to see you out and about," Hermione chided.

"And what about my needs?," Harry wanted to ask.

He wanted to yell actually. The war is over, why is he still living for other people? But that's what was expected of him right? Fine, he'll show up, but he'll give them hell so he can finally be left alone.

And so, he sat on the outskirts of the group, just close enough to be considered "in the game" because Hermione wouldn't let him sit alone in the corner. He zoned out after hearing the rules, which stated no one was allowed to ask any questions about the war.

"Potter, truth or dare?," Parkinson asked.


He had seen some of the dares, and wanted no part in any of that.

"Who's the prettiest person at Hogwarts?"

He didn't even have to think before a name rolled off of his tongue.

"Malfoy," Harry replied nonchalantly, taking a sip of his drink.

Ginny squeaked, Ron choked on his drink, Hermione glared at him, Parkinson laughed, and Draco turned a beautiful shade of pink, but held eye contact, even when Harry winked at him.

"Goodnight," Harry replied with a smirk, downing his drink as he stood up, with all intentions to make his way back up to his room. 

"Malfoy mate really?!"


"You're lying," Ron further accused.

"Last I checked you can't lie in this game."

"Come off it Weasley, anyone with eyes can tell Draco is attractive," Zabini drawled.

"Not me!"

Ron actually looked sick at the idea, and Harry was feeling quite sadistic and wanted to further twist the knife.

"Really, you don't see it? He has a great facial structure, really nice cheekbones. His eyes are silver with these little blue flecks in them that you only see when you get close to him. He's quite funny too, if you actually listen. And have you seen him in muggle jeans? They really accentuate his-"

"Harry that is enough!," Hermione hissed. "You're making everyone uncomfortable."

"Don't worry everyone, I assure you I will never attend these events again. Merlin forbid I have the audacity to make anyone uncomfortable."


Draco watched, stunned, as Harry easily made his way up to his room with Weasley and Granger running after him.

"Pansy did that just happen?"

"Potter wants a piece of that arse Draco," Blaise teased.

"No. No. He was just riling everyone up."

"The rules of the game Draco, he can't lie."

"Don't flatter yourself," Ginny muttered.

"Oh you're just mad Potter didn't say YOU were the prettiest person here."

"I don't need his affirmations to know my worth," Ginny retorted, rolling her eyes and leaving the room.

"Trouble in paradise?," Blaise mused.

"Trouble is Potter's middle name. Besides, anyone with eyes can tell he's unhappy here."

"Then go make him happy Draco."

"As if I'd be able to get past his bodyguards."

"Oh leave that to me," Pansy replied with a grin.

When Draco and Blaise saw her heading up the stairs, they knew they needed to follow along for damage control.

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