Deal's made

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This is just cursed in so many ways- My Pea brain is going with the flow

Imma focus more on some other parts that will be more important throughout the book

This is a quick important cursed chapter- enjoy fellow beings

[Other dimension]

Taiwan sighed as she leaned in her office, pretending that she never got caught. She walked to the break room, getting herself some coffee. Ukraine was next to Taiwan.

Taiwan snuck a quick glance at who was next to her.
'Ukraine? Hi there. Nice to see you again.' Taiwan smiled before turning back.

'Again? What do you mean by that.' Taiwan shook, Ukraine knew some stuff she wasn't meant to know either, didn't she? Taiwan turned back.

'You know things.. don't you?' Taiwan asked friendlily, 'We can take it in the office if you'd like.. what do you want, a coffee too?'

'Water.' Ukraine sternly let out while getting herself a cup of boiling hot water. Taiwan took her fresh coffee and they walked. 'My office, not your puny one.' Ukraine said, Taiwan shrugged and followed Ukraine. Slovakia turned and she felt their tensions grow.

'...' Slovakia wanted to interfere with her curiosity but left it for the better.

Ukraine set her cup down and Taiwan followed.
'Shouldn't have said again, have I?' Taiwan chuckled lightly, she wasn't showing weakness in front of anyone. Last time she did it never ended well. That was what she was always taught.

'No.. that was stupid of you rather. Spill it, Taiwan.' Ukraine said.

'Pfft- me? How about you do the starter. I suck at those.' Taiwan giggled a bit.
'I know about Austria, Taiwan. I saw you at 2-4am.' Ukraine whispered.

'No wonder it felt a bit off.. who else was there other than you and the organizations?'
'Y/n was there too.. and Slovakia.. but Slovakia didn't see you, she was mainly crying or some stuff.'

'Okay? And what do you want from me?'

'I want to make a deal.' Ukraine mumbled. Taiwan leaned on her chair.

'Why should I, help somebody like you?' Taiwan said, challenging Ukraine in some way, 'You know me and trust. We won't get along, why should I help somebody I don't trust, you are going to betray me like the other aren't you? I've changed.'

'You haven't changed how you overshare though..' Ukraine commented, Taiwan rolled her eyes. 'Anyways. You should help me, I can get them out.. I think.'

'You want something else. We both know it's not for their advantage Ukie. I'm not stupid.. "ich bin nicht dumm".' Taiwan breathed out, cold as ice.

Ukraine froze... did she just speak in German? She was referring to East wasn't she?
'You knew she wasn't dead?!' Ukraine asked, ' she isn't dead?'

'Eh.... I don't know that either. I know you miss her very much though.' Taiwan said, 'Haha..'

'Taiwan don't take this too far. I know about you.. you use dragon scales and a top machine you made during our high school time. You didn't go to school because of your IQ, even if Germany's was higher you refused to go to school.'

Taiwan blinked, so she wasn't the only information master? Taiwan leaned in closer as a way of showing interest as her medium dragon tail swirled behind Taiwan.

'The only reason you are alive is because you made a deal, dragons are hunted these days for reasons. You wear those accessories because of your parents, you cared for them more than anything.' Ukraine spoke. Taiwan stuttered, unable to speak. She never said why she wore those! She moved it on her head and went back to her spot.

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