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If you are seeing this chapter again, I just edited this chapter to add a trigger warning, nothing else changed :)


Taiwan and Ukraine were looking for East, surely she was somewhere in the forest this time.. maybe she was out in the city earlier?

Taiwan saw a figure that was oddly familiar... was that. Her dead best friend Chen?! Ukraine saw the shocked expression from Taiwan, her widened eyes and she seemed slightly zoned out.

'Taiwan.' Ukraine called out, Taiwan turned to Ukraine.


'Is that person familiar to you?' Taiwan nodded.

'A- she was supposed to be dead.' Taiwan responded, 'How is she alive... I need to see her-' She was about to leave but Ukraine stopped Taiwan.

'I need to find East first... do you know where Chen lived before?' Taiwan nodded, 'Then go there later okay...? How do you know she was dead?'

'She was killed in front of me!' Taiwan yelled lightly before hearing a mild echo through the forest, she covered her ears. She hated echoing sounds more than the texture of cotton balls.
She had slight tears coming out of her eyes thinking about it.

'W-want to... talk about it?' Ukraine offered, Taiwan turned to Ukraine.. she didn't trust Ukraine, they just made a deal. I mean.. Ukraine wouldn't tell anyone since Taiwan knows a lot about Ukraine. She pushed all her thoughts aside and nodded.

<Taiwan flashback time because yes>

Taiwan crossed her arms,
'I'M NOT DOING THAT! I'M NOT GOING TO!' Taiwan screamed at Amelie, Chen was next to Taiwan witnessing everything and trying to calm Taiwan down, she wasn't having it.... Amelie betrayed Taiwan and abused her too long. She had enough of Earth.

'You refused to listen to my huh?' Taiwan nodded.
'What are you going to do.. kill me?' Taiwan laughed. Amelie shook her head and Taiwan wiped some blood off her cheek. 'Exactly.'

'You're Right.' Amelie breathed, 'That's why.. I'm going to take something from you.' Amelie went over to Taiwan and Chen.. someone grabbed Chen from behind.

'H-Hey!' Amelie took Chen and forced her down to the ground while Jane restrained Taiwan.
'What the fuck?!' Taiwan was trying to get out from her grip.
'I'm going to take what you care for.' Amelie chuckled before suddenly pulling out a butterfly knife, she spun the knife and did a small trick before throwing the knife hard into Chen. She gasped and Taiwan widened her eyes in horror.

'CHEN!!' She cried, Jane let her go and Amelie quickly shot Chen a couple times after stabbing her without mercy.
'You listen to me. I warned you Taiwan.'

Taiwan cried and ran over to Chen to try to help her, she ripped some of her dress and covered Chen over one of the gunshot wounds.

'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you!' Amelie apologized to Taiwan, who was sobbing while hugging her best friend, Chen.
'YOU LIAR!' She shouted at Amelie, 'LOOK AT WHAT YOU'VE DONE!' Taiwan scolded, putting her hand at a stab wound Chen had, there honestly was no survival rate for Chen. It was over. Amelie chuckled.

'It was to teach you a lesson, Taiwan.' Amelie said, 'You start listening to. Me.'

Taiwan looked at Amelie in pure disgust and anger, she felt a paper note in Chen's pocket.
'T-teach me a lesson? INSTEAD YOU PUNISHED CHEN! SHE DID NOTHING WRONG!' Taiwan responded.

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