Construction site

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"Go! Now!" Nam-ra yelled

Everyone began to run upstairs into a room looking for a place to hide.

"Where do we go?" Dae-su called out

"Here!" I yelled back lifting a sheet to the window that had enough concrete so we could sit on it and hide out.

"Go through this way!" I said helping people over the window.

Once we were all out and sat down we realized we were stuck once again, with no where to go. Tired from fighting zombies and running i laid my head on wujins shoulder.

"You okay y/n?" Wujin asks kissing the top of my head

"Mhmm, just tired.. and sad.. i'm sorry I couldn't save joon-yeong, i know you guys were friends.. are you okay?" I looked up at him studying his face carefully.

Wujin let out a sigh "i'll be alright. But, y/n it wasn't your fault.. it wasn't anyones.. well except for whoever created this stupid zombie virus.. i just hope he's at peace..i'm thankful everyone else is okay. Especially you, dae-su and ha-ri.." he smiled a little

I lifted my head up off his shoulder and kissed his cheek. "When we survive and get out of here lets have another movie date" i smiled

He chuckled "it's a date.. but maybe no zombie movie this time" he laughs

"Yeah, i think im good on the zombie movies for a while" i laughed back

Gyeong-su looks over with jealousy clearly showing on his face and rolls his eyes while letting out a sigh.
"How can they be planning a date while were stuck again?"

Dae-su looks over at him and shakes his head "because it gives them something to look forward to.. you should be happy she's happy. I know you like her and all but she picked wujin.."

After sitting there in the sun for what feels like hours mi-jin decided to break the silence

"Damn it. Nothing is working out. We just keep hitting dead ends." She sighs

"Would you just be quiet. It's your fault joon-yeong died." Dae-su looks at the girl to find her staring back at him

"Dae-su. Don't" wujin tries to stop the two from fighting.

Ignoring his friend dae-su felt he needed to get what he was feeling off his chest "if you hadn't bitched at him and just shut up, he would have never jumped out there."

"Okay. It is my fault, happy?" Mi-jin stares at him "are you happy asshole?"

"Would you give it a rest too. Dae-su what does it matter who's responsible for someone's death? What does living and dying even mean? I don't know. If we make it out, will it really be living? Hey, you know our friends died. And our parents too. What's the point?" Wujin looks between the two then down at his lap.

"Do you wanna die? Then will you die? Try being a senior. Then you'll really wanna die." Mi-jin looks at wujin

"Yeah big deal, you're a senior" dae-su sighs

"Yeah whats that have to even do with anything? We shouldn't even be fighting. Were all we have now." I shook my head

Ha-ri having enough decides to stand up "mi-jin. Lets go."

"Where? Why?" She looks up to the girl

"Lets look for a good spot where we can jump off. Were the oldest." Ha-ri looks around

"Sure, whatever. Not like we get any respect." Ji-min sighs as she starts to stand up

"I'll go this way, you go that way." Ha-ri says and then walks off

"Ah she's so cool." She then starts to head in the other direction but su-hyeok stands in her way

"I'll go" he looks at her

"Stay down, kid." She says back to him

"Its okay." He says still standing in her way.

Ji-min tries to push su-hyeok out of her way but the boy is too strong and doesnt budge "you little!" She yells and raises her hand as if to hit him to which makes him flinch a bit but then he moves out of her way. "Get away" she walks off

"I hope no one steps up anymore. Whatever ends up happening, i hope no one sacrifices themselves. It's too hard living for someone. When there's nothing you can do for them at all. It's like you have to live extra hard for them. It's too selfish. You can't die and you don't have the courage to live." On-jo looks down sadly with a few tears rolling down her cheek

Everyone looks at her sadly, agreeing with her words. After a little bit silence fell on the group again.

Feeling my fingers start to crack again and my breathing pick up.. I could feel the hunger taking over me. Having my head on wujin's shoulder didn't help because i could smell his scent better. The voice in my head kept repeating its self. "Eat him. It's okay. Eat him. You're hungry.."

Not wanting to hurt wujin, i brought my arm up to my mouth and bit into it hard. Wujin noticed something was wrong and started rubbing my head. I brought my arm away from my mouth to look at the bite. Wujin covered it with his hand and lifted my head to look into his eyes.

"It's okay" he whispered "if it happens again.. bite me instead."

I shook my head no. I couldn't imagine losing wujin let alone being the one who bites him

"If you bite me.. i'll end up like you." He intertwines our fingers together and wipes the blood off my mouth with his free hand. And kisses my forehead

Before i could say anything the sound of someone walking toward us fills the air then the two seniors return.

"This way drops into the basement and there are exposed steel bars. No way we can jump." Mi-jin says

"That side faces the school, so theres no point trying it." Ha-ri reports

"The ground is filled with zombies, we'll die if we go down." Mi-jin sighs

"There's a door on the first floor that leads to the mountain. We have to go that way. " ha-ri says

"But it's full of zombies in there."

"Can't we reach the roof if we use that and the windows?" Cheong-san points up "if someone goes to the roof and screams, the zombies will follow them. Then i'm pretty sure it'll empty out in there, and the rest can escape."

"I think it can work" dae-su says

"No. Please stop sacrificing yourselves.." on-jo looks at everyone

"Yeah, i agree with you. We said, we'd all survive together." Hyo-ryung says

"I feel the same" dae-su agrees

"I'm with you guys too." Wujin looks at them then to me

"I.. i could do it.. sense im yano.." i looked around

"What? No. Were gonna think of another way and leave together" wujin squeezes my hand

"Hear that?" Nam-ra says looking at the sky

"What?" Everyone questions

"They're saying to take cover" nam-ra looks back at everyone

I focus my hearing on what nam-ra hears and my stomach drops.. "there will be explosions.." i breath out

"What do you mean explosions?" Hyo-ryung questions

"Are you both sure about that?" Su-hyeok looks between me and nam-ra

"Hyosan intersection, future collage.." nam-ra starts listing off

"And our school will be blown up.." I let out

"Are those fucking soldiers gonna shoot missiles at us?" Wujin leans over

"Whens it gonna happen?" Dae-su asks

"It doesn't say.. just says take cover underground And to evacuate right now." I say

Suddenly a voice yelling makes us all stop talking..

"CHEONG-SAN!! Y/N!!!...."

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