Getting out of here

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"CHEONG-SAN!!! Y/N!!!!.."

"Why won't he just fuck off" i sighed standing up

"Who?" Ha-ri looks at me confused

Cheong-san walks up and stops beside me "gwinam.."

"Why is he yelling your names?" Ha-ri questions

"Welll...cheong-san's the reason he was bit.." i looked from the boy to ha-ri

"And he has a weird freaky obsession on y/n.. asshole" wujin stands up and wraps his arm around my waist

Gyeong-su sighs and stands in front of me "I wont let him near you, don't worry"

"Assh, sit back down su, I can handle him" i pushed the boy back to the wall and started walking to the window

"Ya! Be careful! Don't get hurt" wujin yelled

Suddenly the plastic over the window is ripped away and gwinam is standing there. He has a evil smile on his face

"Here you are." Gwinam smiles

Cheong-san comes from behind me and swings his metal pole at gwinam but the bully doges it and grabs cheong-sans shoulder pulling him hard into the wall and letting go. Cheong-san falls to the ground and I swing my fist at gwinam but he grabs my wrist and climbs out of the window..

"Join my side princess, we can rule this world. Just me...and you" gwinam smiles at me

"Never, gopher" i used my free hand and punch him in the nose making him let go of me.

Gwinam pulls himself together and walks over to cheong-san putting his foot onto cheong-sans chest so he can't get up. Su-hyeok runs up to punch gwinam but the bullys stronger and pushes su-hyeok away. Which makes the boy almost fall off the edge but I grab him before he can fall and help him back up safely.

"Gwinam, let him go!" I shout out

"Sorry princess, no can do. Should have joined my side and not call me a gopher.. im a god now! Either leave or die with him." He smirks at me

Gwinam then picks cheong-san up by his shirt, then holds him out over the edge. Cheong-san punches gwinam but it doesn't do anything, so he tries again but the bully grabs his arm. I run over and wrap my arms around his neck trying to choke him. Gwinam is just a little bit stronger and with his free hand he grabs my arm and bites a chunk of my flesh off. Then throws me toward the group.

Wujin screams and rushes to me"Y/N! Are you okay? Let me see your arm. I told you not to get hurt" he rips part of his shirt off and wraps my arm with it.

"I'm okay.. wujin, i'm fine. It's not my first bite" i look at him

Gwinam smiles and twists cheong-sans arm before taking a bite of it. I stand up and walk toward the two.

"Stop! Just let him go gwinam" i yell at him and jump on his back again

Gwinam pushes cheong-san up against the wall but the noise from the drones makes him stop and freak out. Falling off gwinams back I cover my ears with my hands too. The noise is to loud to handle, making me cry out in pain.

Cheong-san stands up and while gwinam is distracted by the pain in his ears the boy pushes the bully off the edge making his body hit the poles before crashing onto the ground with a loud thud.

Cheong-san looks down at his bleeding arm then over to the group worry shown across his face

"It's okay.." on-jo says taking small steps toward cheong-san "it's not what you think, don't do it! You're going to be fine."

"Shes right, me and nam-ra were bit by him and were fine" i say trying to stand up.

"On-jo... no one's dying.. not here, not today." Cheong-san says looking straight into her eyes

"I just.. just don't say anything.. lets talk tomorrow, okay? Mm-hmm." On-jo takes a step closer

Cheong-san looks down for a moment before taking his name tag off his uniform and holds it out for on-jo to take. "You hold on to it for me.. and i'll hold onto this" he takes out a red name tag from his pocket that reads on-jo..

Cheong-san leans in and kisses on-jo on her lips.. then turns to walk through the window but stops and pulls on-jo in tight for one last hug. After a few seconds cheong-san pushes on-jo into su-hyeok.

"Su-hyeok, go to the first floor." Cheong-san says to the nodding boy before climbing through the window.

"Cheong-san!" On-jo cries out but su-hyeok has a tight grip on her

I look around at everyones sad faces.. i realized We'd stared into the face of Death so many times, and Death blinked first. You'd think that would make us feel brave and invincible. It didn't..

I took a deep breath "i'll make sure he comes back to you safely." I looked at on-jo

"No! Not you too. You can't.." on-jo started

I shook my head "it's okay" i smiled "i'll make it back, with him. Just get out of here safely. Please.. go home.."

I started to head to the window to follow cheong-san but two arms pulled me around and I crashed into someone's chest.. it took me a second to realize but i flung my arms around wujins neck.

"Please... come with us. You promised you wouldn't leave anymore.." wujin sniffled

"I have to help him jin.. i'll come back to you I promise. Survive until I find you again okay? For me.." i hugged him tighter

"No, no, no.. I can't leave you y/n.. i can't lose you.. just come with us." He kissed the top of my head

I pulled away and grabbed his face with my hands "i will come back to you, I promise jin.. i love you.." i kissed his lips and softly pushed him into dae-su

I looked at everyone and nodded "i'll find you guys okay?" I smiled and jumped through the window..

I ran up behind cheong-san.. "what are you doing? He questions me

I wiped my tears and smiled "helping you, then bringing you back to on-jo safely"

He nodded "follow my lead okay?"

He then ran and i followed behind him yelling to get the zombies to follow us..

"HEY! All of you!..."


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