the kids.

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                                 Tina's pov

In the waiting room Gene is on the left of me and louise is on right of me. The doctors said we can visit our parents today if we wear masks and body suits. Their conditions are critical now, but the doctors keep reassuring use that they'll make it. "We got some smaller ones for you guys to fit in, put these on and make sure there isn't even an inch of skin exposed." The nurse had brought us some body suits that weren't adult sized. "Look so they can hear you but I'm sure they will be able to answer you, just be prepared it's pretty bad." She warned us before we entered. This wasn't the first time we had to do this to see them. Dad had gotten covid first and exposed it to mom, they only ended up in the hospital when mom wasn't able to get out of bed anymore. They've been in the hospital for weeks now leaving grandpa (big bob/bobs dads) to take care of us. He drops us off at the hospital every other day to see them. When we entered the room their beds were very far apart. "Hey mom, hey dad. We came back." Gene said to them with his voice breaking. "Yea grandpa dropped us off again." Louise said. "I'm sorry you guys haven't gotten better yet, we're waiting for you though." I finally said. "Yea what tina said, you'll get better, soon." Louise agreed with me. "We can't stay for long again, we only got ten minutes but we miss you." Gene told them. I heard him whisper "please don't die." I have no idea if they could hear him over the machines. "Dad guess what? Jimmy pesto came over yesterday just to see how you were doing, he didn't make fun of you or nothing." I said that hoping to lighten the mood. "We totally would have kicked his butt though if he tried." Louise added, with a fake chuckle. "And I started writing a new song on my keyboard. When you guys get out I can play it for you." Gene said. I think that was a lie though because I haven't seen him on his keyboard once in the last two weeks. The nurse came in and told us time was up. "We have to go now, but we'll come back soon ok? We love you." I said as we left. "Bye mom, bye dad." Gene added. With that being that we had to take off our body suits and be detoxiced before we could leave to be picked up by grandpa. "How'd it go?" He asked as we got in the car. "Not well... they can't answer us anymore." I told him. He gave a hum in response and took us home. That night was when the first one hit. Grandpa came into my room around 2AM . "Hey, we gotta go to the hospital, I'll explain in the car." I didn't bother putting on proper clothes, just a bra under my pajamas and brushing my hair out before I put on my shoes and got in the car with grandpa. Then Gene and louise got in. I could hear grandpa trying to hold it together but not very well. "Look kids, I got a call from the hospital and, they couldn't save your mom. The nurse on the phone told me it wasn't looking well for your father either so they called you in to say your goodbyes." He stuttered out, he sounded like he couldn't breath. "So, moms... dead?" Gene said softly. "yes." I don't think any of us believe it, we just saw her, how can she be dead? I started trying to focus more on not crying so when we saw dad I wasn't a mess. Louise was looking out a window and Gene was silently crying. When we got there a nurse almost immediately gave us the suits, even grandpa got one this time. Inside the room was moms bed covered up and dads bed. I couldn't bare to look at moms bed so I stood with my back too it as we said good bye to dad. "Hey, lil bob. I'm sorry I didn't visit much but it's gonna be ok. I got the kids for you so you'll be ok. And if you're still semi conscious, I'm sorry about Linda, but please try bob." Grandpa said to him, in the same state as he was in the car. "Hey dad, the nurses told us to say goodbye but i don't want too. I don't wanna say bye yet. But I know if I don't I'll regret it forever. I love you dad and maybe you can make it and say it back right? Don't make this goodbye dad. Not yet." I said, I also had to remove my glasses due to the tears making it too blurry to see out of. "Hi dad. If you make it I can write a million more songs for you. But if you don't make it I'll miss you like hell. I believe in you though dad, it's not time to go yet. You're a great dad and I still need you around I love you." Gene tried to say clearly, but he was breathing between each word. "Louise, you gotta say something this might be your last chance." I nudged her, she was just staring at him. "Hey dad. I love you, but it's gonna be ok. I know you're in a lot of pain right now. You can go with mom well be ok I think. I promise not to forget you, I'll even keep running the restaurant when all of this is over for you, and mom. I hate seeing you guys like this. So it's gonna be ok I promise. We all love you and we'll visit you everyday, no matter where you are." Louise said, and I think dad was still inside of that vegetable like state he was in because when she finished speaking he started "crashing" as all the doctors like to yell. I can't believe Louise did that because now  we've lost both of our parents. What if he could have lived had she not said that? Unless it was a coincidence but this seems much more likely. Dad died at 5:03AM and we went home at 5:45AM. In the car I asked louise "louise why did you say all that stuff? That it was ok for him to go? When we clearly still needed him." "Couldnt you see how much pain they were in tina? He couldnt even talk. It just wasn't right to ask him to keep living like that. And even if he lived so much of him still would have been left behind tina. Would you really wanna live in pain like that? Tied too tubes?" She answered. "But they were our parents louise! We needed them. I mean even just one." "Yea and that's fucking selfish to ask them to endure that for us. And I don't wanna hear your crap that it's for love because that's not how this works." "How could you say that? So what you just wanted them to die then? That's it? No more parents? No more after school running the restaurant?" "That's not true tina and you know that. And if you're suggesting I would miss them any less just because I could recognize the pain they were in then you need to get off your high horse and realize you're not the only person who lost something today." Louise finished before grandpa interrupted. "Girls, let's just go back upstairs and go back to bed." We had been pulling on to our street when he said that. So now gene and grandpa were just sad and me and louise were sad and mad. I'm not even sure if I can back to sleep, I mean it wasn't Louise's fault mom died but it was her fault died tonight. What if he had another day in him? Another day to say I still had a dad? And now both of them are dead at the same fucking time because of the same fucking thing. My tears feel like they're boiling when they drip down my cheeks. And so what now grandpa lives with us forever? Or we have to move? Why is everything being stripped away from us? I don't understand why she purposefully wanted him to die. If anything I thought she would have wanted him to live the most. And even if not why would she do that to me and Gene? Does she think that them being dead suddenly makes us adults? It just gives us a pitiful excuse for shit that's all. At some point my angry turns to tiredness and i fell asleep, I didn't wake up until 3pm. I think if it wasn't for the droopy atmosphere I wouldn't have remembered, but the feel is so thick it's like I was slapped in the face by it.

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