250 4 0

Dressed in all black, from head to toe, sitting in that desk, writing something, but he froze and dropped the pen when his eyes met mine.

His hair was long. The curls were still there, though. 

He stood slowly and I took a deep breath in my nose..

'be professional' echoed through my brain.

I'm still working. This is work. I'm here FOR WORK

"I'm Georgia Rose, from the 'Dream Day' wedding service." I cleared my throat and walked to the front of the desk..

He still didn't say anything. I set my purse on the chair and got a couple papers out with informastion on them

"I'm hosting a wedding, in two weeks, and the bride has just decided on the restaurant she wanted the food from, and, obviously, she chose Abruzzi.." I continued

I stopped, waiting for him to say something. We were both still standing. He was staring.

"Uhm.. yeah. so." I felt small under his stare.. it was making me somewhat uncomfortable

"Th-there's 250 guests and.. I have some papers.. if.. If you're willing to sign them and be the caterers for this wedding." I started to stumble over my words..

I grabbed the papers from my purse and shakily held them out towards him

He grabbed them and, without reading a single thing, signed each quickly.

"We will cater the wedding, Mrs. Rose" he nodded and handed the papers back to me

"Ms" I corrected him

He nodded slowly and I seen something change in his eyes.. now he knows I'm not seeing anyone

"Thank you. The wedding is at 2pm on the 14th. We expect the food to be there at 3, for the dinner. Your cooperation is grately appreciated, Mr Styles."

I picked up my papers, put them back in my bag, and left.

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