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chan's kıds🧒🏻
tue, jun 6, 11:44 pm

hey besties the frat boys told
me you were worried abt me
so i came to tell y'all that i'm
physically :)

brownie boi☺️
not for long😜

*questioned brownie boi☺️'s message*

brownie boi☺️
you took advantage of

you're joking right?

brownie boi☺️
he said he never said yes

shitty britches💩👖
felix stop
i told you it was fine

brownie boi☺️
no it's not okay
you didn't consent

oh my god
seungmin i'm so sorry
i really should've asked first
now i feel even fucking worse

shitty britches💩👖
no hyunjin it's okay
if i really wanted you to stop
i would've told you to
in the moment i wanted to do
please don't beat yourself up
over it
i'm completely fine i promise
and felix i swear on the
almighty god himself if you
touch hyunjin i'll break your
fucking legs
you got me?

brownie boi☺️

shitty britches💩👖i'm not playing test me if you want too

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shitty britches💩👖
i'm not playing
test me if you want too

okay kiddos let's not be violent

chan's wife😼
i'm glad you're okay hyun
just please talk to us when
you're feeling down
i hate worrying about you guys
like that

felix stop being violent
i get that you want to protect
seungmin but beating up
hyunjin isn't going to solve that

bok are you okay you've been
having a lot of random
outbursts lately

bin probably hasn't been
putting out

brownie boi☺️
oh he definitely has been
it might be my new medication
i don't read the side effect
let me check
side effects: mild injection site
pain, temporary worsening of
usual pain, flushing, insomnia,
increased blood sugar, nausea,
headache, dizziness, fainting
due to anxiety from the
procedure causing a sudden
decrease in heart rate and
blood pressure, flushing of the
face, nerve damage
less common side effects:
infection, epidural abscess,
meningitis, osteomyelitis or
discitis, soft tissue abscess,
heart complications,
mood-related symptoms,
including mania, psychosis,
and delirium, sexual disfunction
the list goes AWN friends

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