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sun, oct 23, 3:27 am

you know i'm always here for
you right?


so why do you never talk to
i always hear about how much
you struggle through the other

there's just some things i
don't want to worry you with

what worries me more is the
fact that you trust them more
than me
did i do anything to break your

no no
it's nothing like that
it's just
you already lowered your
standards so much to be with
me that i don't want to burden
you with my problems too

lowered my standards?
what are you talking about?

like you could be with someone
way more attractive than me

you think i'm dating you out
of pity?

pretty much

expressing how i feel in words
is hard for me sometimes
but i will try my best
i need you to know that i
genuinely believe that you're
my soulmate
on the rare occasion that i
wake up before you (after the
nights we spend together) i
just lay there looking at you
thinking about how lucky i am
to have you
i don't know if there's some
sort of chemical imbalance in
that big ass brain of yours or
something but you're such an
amazing human being and i'm
so glad that you never gave up
you're the best leader
the best listener
the best giver of advice
the greatest friend/boyfriend
/fake husband
so please stop getting all in
your head about not being
good enough
you're way more than enough
and stop saying you're ugly
because you're so goddamn
fine it physically hurts😤
like when you did the nose ring
shit i almost went into cardiac

my god minho i'm so in love
with you
i'm sorry for making you worry
about me
and i'm really sorry for just
assuming shit again

it's okay but i really wish you
would be more open with me
it makes me sad when you
don't talk to me :(

i know and i'm sorry
i'll try my best to talk abt my
struggles more

with me first right?

yes love

we can do daily mental health
check ins if that will help

that sounds like a great start😊
it's getting late you should go
to sleep

technically it's getting early
but you should too

*disliked a message*
i will when i finish up at the

no you will come home now
what were we just talking about?

right sorry

press save and lock up
me and my bed are waiting :)

okay i'll be right there😘

*loved a message*


lino's favs🥰
sun, oct 23, 11:57 am

so yeonjun said he'll come🥰

beomgyu is coming as well

I'm still baffled on how you
told him first

i was just asking if he knew
any good places to eat there
i didn't know you hadn't asked
him yet😭

why didn't you just look it up?

because beomgyu has good
taste when it comes to food
and i want to take binnie
somewhere nice

mother lee🫄🏻
on MY birthday trip🤨

yea and what about it🤨

mother lee🫄🏻
what else should we do there?

i've always wanted to go to
an interactive art museum

that sounds fun
we should definitely do that

hyunjin would love that

mother lee🫄🏻
*emphasized felixuu☀️'s message*
someone that speaks english
natively (felix) should look up
other things to do

we should go to a comedy show

mother lee🫄🏻
i don't speak english good so
i don't think that will be that
fun for me


meet me in the living room so
we can plan some activities
i'll text bin and the others to
see if they want to come over

mother lee🫄🏻
right after my shower i'll be there

i'll grab some snacks

if you're going to the store i'll
come with

bet let's go
seen by all


this was a little sad to edit after seeing his one live when he said he didn't deserve a spot in the top 100 most handsome men ):

also i'm adding a few more chapters because it basically had ended on a cliffhanger before and i felt like it was a little evil if i did that so yea😁👍🏾

11/12/22 + 12/7/22
word count: 671.

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