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The walk to the cafe was silent, and a little uncomfortable. I couldn't really think of anything to say. So I was thankful when we reached the little cafe down the street. I sometimes went there before work so the workers knew me.

"Hey Lucy." One greeted me as I walked in. I gave them a smile and a little wave before I headed up to the counter. The cafe is officially called One Ninety Four. It has a urban feel to it, while still being comfy and inviting. They have a great patio to sit on and enjoy a cup of tea.

"194?" Chris asked reading the sign.

"Yeah 194 is the molar mass of caffeine." I answered as we wait in line.

"How did you know that?" He questioned smiling in awe a little.

"It's on their coffee cups."

"What would you like?" Tracy, the cashier, asked. She looked Chris up and down enjoying the view.

"Why do you even ask me anymore." I joked and she laughed as she put in my order by heart.

"I'm always hopeful you'll try something new, what can I say."

"I tell myself one of these days I will, but today is just not that day." I gushed making Tracy smile.

"What can I get you sir?" She asked looking at Chris smiling wider. As he stood there entranced by the menu trying to make up his mind, she looked over and winked at me. I rolled my eyes but a smile slipped out.

"You know, I'll just get whatever she gets." he charmingly told her and I thought Tracy was going to shit herself. He went to get his wallet out but I already put some money down. Chris took the money and gave it back to me. I looked at him funny. This wasn't a date and I have money to pay.

"Hey you saved my dog, the least I could do is get you a cup of whatever you get." he said. I nodded but I kind of felt bad. He put down the money and we waited for our drinks.

"Should I be worried about this drink you get?" He asked making me laugh and we sit on the patio at my favorite table, where the sun just pokes my nose. I watched as he took a sip and at first he hated it, but he really tried to act like he didn't. He almost succeeded, but I could tell by the way he slowly swallowed that he didn't like it.

"What is in this?" He asked not taking another sip. He set his sunglasses down on the table and we watched as Dodger sat patiently by the table. His eyes were electric blue. They were the kind you get lost in.

"It's a tea blend. It's got black tea, jasmine green tea and oolong tea in it." I explained smiling as take a long drink. I glanced over at him choking down the drink for my sake. The act made me smile and it kind of warmed my heart a little.

"So Lucy what do you do?" Chris began starting with the questions.

"I design the sets for movies, " I told him proudly.

"That so cool!" He exclaimed. The more I talked to him the more I felt like I've heard him before. I knew him from somewhere. Something about him was familiar. He's a very comfortable person to be around, he's very relaxed. But something stuck out to me and I couldn't tell what it is.

"What do you do?" He gave me a puzzled look. I took the time to study his facial features, and it only added to the fact that I definitely knew him.

"I'm an actor" he answered hesitantly.

"There's nothing wrong with that." By then I was trying to figure out where I had met him before. Maybe he was in a college class with me? Does he work in the same office building? Was he an old neighbor? What was last name again? Oh god, I'm so terrible at names.

"Why would there be something wrong with that?" 

"You seemed a little hesitant on our answer. "

"I'm proud it just...."

"Its just what?" 

"Oh nothing" he smiled a lady killer smile. His grin gave him away. How could you forget such a warm smile?

It all came together! I realized where I knew the handsome man sitting in front of me. How could I not recognize the star of a movie I had worked on! I froze and tried to play back the last half hour trying to figure out if I've embarrassed myself in anyway. America's golden boy was sitting right in front of me. Just play it cool I told myself over and over again.

It was pretty obvious he didn't want to tell me his last name or the fact he was a pretty big actor. I just acted like I knew nothing. As much as I wanted to scream, I hid my inner fangirl and panic.

"Are you from Boston?" He asked me.

Once I got over my shock, I finally answered him. "No, I went to college here and I just stayed in this city I guess. I'm really from Ohio."

"What sets have you designed?" He inquired.

"I've done a couple marvel movies, the hunger games, divergent and a couple others." I could watch the wheels in his head turned as he tried to place my face. I'm pretty dull so I doubted I stuck out in his memory.

"Have you done anything I would know of?" I asked out of politeness. Chris searched for the right words for a second before he answered me.

"I've done a few movies but some I don't think you would know" He told me. I smiled knowing he wasn't lying, but he didn't exactly answer the question. Did they teach him that in How To Deal With The Press 101 class?

"I have a job in New Mexico for a movie" He brought up.

"That's absolutely crazy because I'll be down there too. I just got my plane ticket!" My phone rung as I finished my sentence. I search my bag for it.

"I really need a new purse." I mumbled before realizing my phone was in my back pocket. I sheepishly took it out hoping Chris didn't notice but of course he did and he laughed a little.

"Hey, Whitney whats up." I Said trying to sound urgent so she'll take the hint and speak fast or hang up. She told me what went wrong and I felt my eyes roll out of my head. I had to go on damage control for some project. I hung up unhappily but hopefully it didn't show.

"That was work, I've got to go. But trust me I had a great time, thanks for the drink." I told Chris standing up.

"Wait Lucy, can I get your number?" He asked hiding his nervousness. I quickly fished a business card out of my bag and a pen. I scribbled my cell phone number and hand it to him. I questioned whether I should give him a kiss on the cheek. We're friends right? Maybe not that close of friends though. I settled on the comfortable hand shake.

"So Chris, I will see you on set in New Mexico. Goodbye Mr. Evans" I grinned my hand still in his. I walked out the door and quickly rushed back to work ready to reel in any chaos.

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